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Will scrambled to touch Sophie's neck, desperately checking for a pulse. For a frantic second, he couldn't feel one, and his heart skipped a beat. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a faint throbbing under his fingertips signifying her grasp on life, however faint it was.

"Guys," he called out to the combatants surrounding him. "She's alive." Everyone let out a sigh of relief before he continued grimly. "But she won't be for much longer if we can't get her back to camp or some other well-equipped medical facility soon."

The mixed group of elves and demigods fought with renewed ferocity, fighting for a chance of survival for their friend, and revenge for the three unknown elves killed in Eternalia by a rampaging minotaur set loose by the Neverseen.


Sophie's head pounded. Come to think of it, everything pounded. She could feel her pulse from the tips of her ears to the ends of her toes. The pounding left a strange tingling sensation in its wake that she slowly recognized as pain. Extreme pain. Every pounding of her slow pulse sent waves of sharp agony cascading through her veins. She struggled to open her eyes, feeling as if they had been weighted with lead and sealed with some sort of crusty glue.

She heard frantic shouting faintly, as if from a great distance. Was that Fitz? She shook her head to clear it and immediately regretted it. A groan escaped her lips.

"Oh my gods, Sophie," came a desperate voice. Sophie struggled to place the familiar tone, but gave up when her heart pounded again and PAIN PAIN PAIN was her only thought.

"Ves...per...a," she croaked, her throat raw from screaming she couldn't remember. She could vaguely sense the woman's sinister mind approaching quickly.

"Shhhhh, don't worry, Sophie," the voice soothed. "We've got it covered. Just keep that heart pounding, yeah?"

"But it... hurts." Sophie couldn't fathom why he wanted her heart to keep beating when all it did was torture her. Then another wave of throbbing, stinging pain overtook her senses and all of her thoughts fizzled out, like a sparkler doused by a sudden mist. She slowly raised her hand to point at the woman emerging from the rubble of the cliff face.

"Stop...her." Another blast of pain radiated from her heart and Sophie's eyes rolled back in her head as she slumped to the ground in a dead faint.

The Worlds Collide (A Keeper of the Lost Cities and Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now