Let's Fly some Pegasi into Restricted Areas!

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*30 minutes earlier*

    Dex, Linh, Keefe, Fitz, Tam, Biana, Sandor, and Grizel were in a heated argument with Will, Nyssa, and Lou Ellen.  The demigods thought that they should fly by pegasus to the location and try a frontal assault, while the elves and goblins thought a more subtle approach would be more sensible so Dex could analyze the defenses.

    They ended up agreeing that all precautions needed to be made to ensure Sophie's safety, so they decided to send an advance team with Dex, a Hermes kid named Travis Stoll, Lou Ellen to keep them disguised, and Grizel to protect them if necessary, as she was more adept at sneaking than Sandor.  They decided to light leap using a crystal that Nyssa had shaped for them according to the coordinates from Sophie's tracking bracelet.  But when they tried to leap, they started to disintegrate instead of reform on the other end.  Luckily, Fitz recognized the symptoms of someone trying to leap into an area protected by a light fence, and pulled them back using his own concentration.

    "Looks like they've thought of elves' forms of transportation as well," mused Biana, leaning against the wall.  "They must have an elf working with them.  Maybe Fintan has formed another alliance with the ogres?"

    "Could be," Fitz conceded, "But didn't the ogres, like, swear to not do that again?  I can't really see Dimitar going back on his word in such a fashion, especially not to ally with a traitor."

    "Maybe they found another elf to work with?  Maybe the Neverseen has a new leader," proposed Keefe, leaning forward in concentration.  "Maybe ... my mom is back?"
    Fitz sighed and looked up at the ceiling.  "See, but she also was a traitor, according to Dimitar."

    "Woah, woah, woah, woooah," Nyssa interrupted "I have no clue what the Hades y'all are talking about here, but it sure as Hypnos isn't getting us any closer to saving Sophie from those horrible creatures.  If we can't use your fancy light teleportation mabobber we have to take some pegasi.  Those coordinates on the tracker bracelet are only about twenty minutes away with fast flight, maybe a little more if Percy isn't with us.  The horses like him."

    The elves, used to more subterfuge than outright war, took a little convincing to go along with the risky plan.  But as soon as Nyssa mentioned Sophie in danger again, they were ready to go.

    They headed towards the stables to choose mounts and get on the way to rescuing their friend.

    As soon as they reached the stables, Nyssa groaned.  "Ahgggg," she grumbled.  "I forgot that the Nike cabin has flying lessons right now.  The two fastest pegasi are gone, if you don't count Blackjack, who won't carry anyone but Percy and his friends.  That means we only have eight pegasi left in the stables.  Guido and Porkpie are strong enough to carry two people.  That means-" She did a quick head count.  "That one of us will have to stay behind and wait.  Do any of you guys have applicable experience with flying equestrians?"

    Tam interrupted the negotiations on who should stay behind.  "Guys, my levitation is crazy strong.  I'll just levitate very quickly to keep up with you." Nobody protested, and everyone started to mount their chosen pegasi.
Dex pressed the button to let Sophie know that they were on their way, and they were off.

    I'm coming for you, Sophie, Fitz promised.

I'm a horrible author.  Hope for an update this week to start wrapping things up.

Also, don't even try figuring out continuity.  When I started writing this, Lodestar had just come out.  Please give me a break and just ignore all of the many and grievous continuity errors.

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