Forget Ravens, Ferrets are Omens of Death!

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    "Aaaaaah!"  A girlish scream startled the demigods, who rapidly drew their weapons, but Fitz just sighed and stepped over a chair that had fallen over and looked down.

    "Hey, Elwin," Fitz greeted, looking at what appeared from behind him to just be the floor.

    "'Hey, Elwin?!?' Really?!?"  An elf with rumpled dark hair sat up from behind the fallen chair.  Lou Ellen offhandedly noticed that his weirdly shaped clothing had little rainbow-colored alicorns on it.  "You just light leaped with, " he paused to look around, trying to count the people, then giving up.  "A lot of people, directly into my office, and say hey?  That is-" 

He stopped mid-rant, having noticed Sophie bleeding to death in Will's arms.  "Well, um, we better get her-" His quick speech was interrupted by a high-pitched scream, and Lou Ellen lunged at the cat-sized creature it came from, holding her dirk out in front of her.

    "DON'T kill the banshee!" Elwin yelped, holding a hand in front of the startled demigod.  "But put Sophie on a bed!" Will rushed over, still carrying Sophie as if she weighed nothing, and placed her on a bed, the sterile white sheets instantly stained red.  Before Elwin could stop him, he popped a small square of ambrosia in her mouth to accelerate the healing process, praying she wouldn't burn up.

    The demented ferret that Elwin had called a banshee jumped up onto the bed and curled up next to Sophie, ignoring the large amounts of blood.

    "Not good, not good, not good, not gOOOood," Elwin muttered, frantically searching his shelves.  "I forgot to restock my Wound Wipe!"  Dex gulped, looked at Sophie on the bed, then held up a crystal.

    "I'll go get some from Slurps and Burps.  We always keep some in stock." Elwin nodded, and he glittered away, leaving behind two rushing medics, two silent goblins, five frightened elves, and two confused demigods.

********LINE BREAK*******

    Sophie was vaguely aware of the familiar feeling of breaking down into light, and longed to stay dissolved.  When she was light, she didn't feel the extreme pain from her many lacerations.  She couldn't feel the pounding of her heartbeat.  In fact, she didn't have a heartbeat.  Then, she felt Fitz's warm and familiar concentration wrap around her like a blanket, and she suddenly lost the desire to stay as a bunch of formless light forever.

    She regretted that decision, however, when they landed in Elwin's office and the pain returned.  She heard familiar screeching, and a warm weight settled in next to her.  Bullhorn, she thought, and giggled in her mind.  That means I'm dying!




Have a great day!!

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