Dex is Smarter than Hephaestus Kids.

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    The whole group of elves stood amazed, while Dex was frantically tapping a gadget he had pulled out of his pocket.  He hit it hard with his hand and it let out a loud ping.

    "Aha!" he exclaimed.  "Finally!"  He pointed it at Annabeth.  It buzzed, and he started tapping frantically on the screen.  Everyone looked at him in confusion.  He held it up, and a bunch of text was scrolling across the screen.

    "I hacked the U.S. Registry!" Annabeth looked impressed. 

"Really?  It took the Hephaestus kids and the Hermes kids working together for almost a month to get in there." She frowned.  "They still haven't figured out how to edit it." Dex looked excited.

"I could do it!"  Then a guarded expression crept over his features.  "Annabeth Chase, correct?  Ran away from home and dropped out of the school system at age system at the age of 7, reappeared a few months later under the Delphi School.  A very small school, most students are ADHD and Dyslexic.  Known trouble kids." He glanced up at Annabeth, whose wary expression matched his.

"Except, you, it seems.  Your record is nearly clean before you ran away." Dex glanced at the gadget.  "Teachers adored you, great grades, exceptionally bright student." He paused.  "Irrational fear of spiders."  He looked back up at Annabeth, who looked a little scared.

"Where did you get those records?  They weren't there when Nyssa showed them to me."

He showed her the gadget.  "Hidden records."

She looked pale.  "Look up Perseus Jackson."  Then Sandor cleared his throat.

"Are we not here for Miss Foster?" Simultaneously, Fitz remembered why his teal eyes had lost their sparkle, Keefe remembered why he hadn't styled his hair for a week, Biana remembered why she had dark circles under her eyes, Dex remembered why he hadn't slept in a week, Tam remembered why he had been more withdrawn than usual, and Linh remembered why she had been waking up in a cold sweat every night, forming terrifying figures that loomed over her.

"Where is she?"

Annabeth's face went dark.

"You'd better follow me."  She stepped past the glittering veil and into the valley.

AN: Sorry for the late and short update. I was out of WiFi this weekend until a few hours ago. The Fate's Punishment should be up in like 20 minutes.




Have a nice day!

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