Bad Poetry is Hereditary

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AN: This story takes places after Lodestar before Nightfall, and after The Last Olympian before The Lost Hero.


I am not Rick Riordan or Shannon Messenger. Enough said.


Sophie scrubbed her eyes. Maybe the 'ambrosia' they gave her was making her see things. Maybe it was a hallucination induced by one of her crazy medical problems. Her hopes of this possibly being a group of regular mortals were dashed when Annabeth addressed the centaur.

"What should we do, Chiron? We can't risk anymore ambrosia, and it doesn't seem to be healing her as well as regular demigods." Wait, Chiron? Like the legendary centaur, son of Kronos, mentor of heroes? And what did Annabeth mean by 'regular demigods'? Sophie let out a humorless laugh. Annabeth and the strange blond boy looked startled, as if they had forgotten about Sophie. Chiron just looked sad and tired. He took a deep breath.

"Sophie." He seemed to deliberate what to say next. Before he could, Sophie remembered her Telepathic ability. Two humans, one centaur? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what was going on here, should it? She lowered her mental shields that she had put up in New York and probed Annabeth's mind. Before she could get there, however, a bright light blocked her, much like the cage around her teleporting ability.

Suddenly, the two teenagers gasped, and Sophie withdrew her mind from her futile attempt. The room seemed to be lit by a soft glow originating from - wait - from right above her. She looked up, and saw the Greek letter omega Ω floating over her head, lit by a white gleam.

Annabeth turned to Chiron. "Wha-"

"I cannot. Only the gods may. She is their fault. Their experiment. I will say no more" He turned to Sophie. "Why do you not leap away?" Sophie gulped nervously, feeling Annabeth's glare. She had obviously given up Chiron as a source of information, and was intent on using Sophie instead.

"Um.. I kind of lost my crystal?" Sophie muttered. "And my teleporting abilities won't work, my telepathic capabilities have been blocked, my freaking leg is broken and I DON'T KNOW WHO OR WHAT ANY OF YOU GUYS ARE!" Her voice built up to a shout and she tried to get out of bed. She fell back with a gasp, her leg flaring in pain.

Annabeth seemed surprised, like she didn't think Sophie had that kind of fight in her. She turned to the blond guy.

"Will, what can you do about her leg?" she asked, noticing Sophie's obvious pain. The blond dude closed his eyes and thought for a second. Then his eyes lit up.

"Maybe a haiku wouldn't work! Maybe some sort of poem from wherever she comes from!" He turned to Sophie expectantly.

"Uhh..." The only bit of poetry from the Lost Cities that she knew was the old dwarven poem the the Black Swan had used in hints. She cleared her throat.

"Sing swan, Spring swan then lets fly.

Follow the pretty bird across the sky.

Call swan, Fall swan, then let's rest.

Tucked in the branches of your quiet nest."

"Hmmmm." Will paced, obviously composing a poem in his head. "Let's try this." Once again in the weird language:

Hey dad, hi dad you're the best

Please let my new friend be blest

Some help, Apollo help, she needs to heal

So she can go play on her heel

Sophie had no idea how this was supposed to help, but suddenly a huge rush of energy filled her. She figured she could knock ten people down with her inflicting. More remarkably, she felt no more pain from her previously broken leg.

"Did it work?" asked Will anxiously. Sophie nodded, and pushed the covers off of her legs. Her left leg looked unremarkable, the recent breakage only evident through some light bruising.

Even Will looked impressed at his own abilities. "That worked better than I thought it would," he commented, his eyebrow raised. "Dad must be in a good mood today." 

"Why are you referring to Apollo as 'dad'?" she questioned Will. He ran his hand nervously through his scruffy blond hair. Sophie was reminded forcefully of Keefe. Except Will already seemed way more responsible, and she only just met him.

"Umm-" he started, but Annabeth interrupted him. "Will, can you go make sure Percy is OK?" She glared at Sophie. "Whatever you did to him with the emtions seemed to really take him out. That and using his water control to trap you." She scowled. "That didn't work very well, now did it?"

Will looked like he wanted to protest but dutifully scurried out of the room muttering something about Athena kids being bossy. Another Greek deity seemingly referred to in a parental sense. What was going on here?

Annabeth motioned for Sophie to sit back down on the bed and claimed the end for herself, leaning against the footboard. "I know this may be a lot to take in, but you know Greek Mythology?  It exists in the modern world."

Sophie's mind went blank as she remembered her ancient history lessons from her human education. "Gods? Monsters? Giants? Titans?" Annabeth winced at the last one, but nodded her head.

"All real."

AN:  Sorry for not updating sooner!  My only excuse is my cat wanting attention.  Anyway, thank you for 55 reads!  This chapter is my longest yet, which isn't saying much, because it's still less than 1000 words. 

Published November 29, 2017

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Published November 29, 2017

Edited August 2, 2020

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