Titans, Giants, and Monsters, Oh My!

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AN: This story takes places after Lodestar before Nightfall, and after The Last Olympian before The Lost Hero.


I am not Rick Riordan or Shannon Messenger. Enough said.


"You're taking this better than most people," Annabeth remarked, after Sophie simply nodded, accepting it as another weird aspect of her life. Sophie pondered what to tell her. Eventually she decided just to stay silent.

"Anyway," Annabeth continued. "Sometimes a god or goddess takes a liking to a certain mortal and they have a kid. These children are called demigods.  This is where they train.  Everyone here is a demigod."

"Who is your godly parent?" Sophie queried. Annabeth laughed, her gray eyes sparkling.

"Can you guess? Here, I'll give you a hint. It's my mom, and she's one of the twelve major Olympians."

Sophie tried to remember the twelve major gods and goddesses. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades. Those were the main three. Then there was Apollo and Artemis, the twins, but Artemis had sworn to be a maiden, so not her. Could knock out all the other gods, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Ares. That left Aphrodite, Athena, Demeter and Hera. Annabeth didn't seem to be obsessed with beauty or love, so not Aphrodite. Sophie didn't think Hera would cheat on her husband. In all of the myths, Hera was a faithful wife, the goddess of family and marriage. So that left... "Either Demeter or Athena," Sophie decided.

Annabeth looked impressed. "It's Athena. And, before you ask, I don't know what god or goddess just claimed you. After the Second Titan War, on of our campers, Percy Jackson, made the gods promise to claim their children and acknowledge the minor gods. You must be the child of some minor god we haven't heard of yet. So, which parent is it? And why did Chiron call you the gods 'experiment'?" Sophie's heart sank.

"I... I... don't know," she admitted softly. Annabeth frowned.

"Does this have something to do with what you were saying about teleportation and telepathy and crystals?" Annabeth sounded like she was more than curious, like she needed to know. But before Sophie could answer, what looked like a regular jogger appeared with a flash in the corner. Sophie scrambled off the the bed to the opposite side of the room. Did he light leap?

Annabeth also jumped off the bed, except in the direction of the weird guy. She knelt. "Lord Hermes." Sophie figured this was Hermes, god of messengers, travelers and thieves.

"Annabeth," he greeted calmly. "And you Sophie. Come over here, I have a message for you two." Sophie walked carefully over to Hermes.

"Sign here," he directed Annabeth.

Hello, Annabeth, said a voice inside Sophie, and apparently Annabeth's head.

Do you have any rats? Asked another voice.

"Hi Martha, hello George," Annabeth said tiredly. Sophie realized the voices were coming from the snakes twined around the pen Hermes had given Annabeth.

"She doesn't have to sign," Hermes interrupted the snakes' ramblings, the comment directed at Sophie. Annabeth nodded.

"Ok." Hermes cleared his throat. "This message is from the entire council of Olympians." Annabeth gasped, and Hermes sent her a wry look. "The Olympians say that they all claim Sophie as their own. And Athena said not to get on Sophie's bad side."

AN: I am planning on updating on Wednesday mornings, because my school starts an hour later than usual, and I still wake up at 6, so I have time to write.  That means my chapters are going to be a little on the short side, but you'll still get an update a week.  I will try to make each chapter at least 600 words.  I can't wait until winter break!

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