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"Dex, can you track her?" asked a brown haired boy as he paced the room desperately.

    The boy he was addressing sighed sadly.  "No, Fitz.  I can't.  Not unless she presses her panic switch."  A girl in the corner sat up.

    "I thought you could track the ring without the switch being triggered?"  She held up a hand where a sparkly pink ring rested.

    Dex spoke again.  "Not Sophie's.  I made hers before developing the tracking technology."  He sighed again, and Fitz tore at his hair desperately.

    "What about Gigantor's tracker?"  A boy with blond hair lifted his head out of his hands.

    "She removed it from her clothes before leaving.  And Mr. Vacker's blue pathfinder is missing." A squeaky voice interrupted their musings.  "She also cut off her pendent.  Seems she didn't want to be found."  A seven-foot tall gray goblin stepped out of the shadows.

    Suddenly, a small buzz was heard.  Dex pulled a gadget from his pocket and fiddled with it.  He looked up.

    "I've got the location!" he said excitedly.  "She pressed the panic switch!"
    The quiet room erupted into a flurry of movement.  Everyone was shouting.  Dex stood up.

    "Everybody, quiet!"  the room quieted.  He pointed at the gadget.  "She is in human Long Island Sound.  We'll need a team to retrieve her." At that sentence, the room erupted into chaos once again.  The goblin stepped forward.

    "I know you all want to go.  And this time I won't stop you.  The only goblins going will be me and Grizel.  Tam, Linh and Dex, you can come with me.  Biana, Keefe, and Fitz, go with Grizel.  I have one of Mr. Vacker's pathfinders, so one group, my group, will leap in and secure the perimeter.  I will send one of you back with this." He held up Sophie's home crystal.  "And you can leap the other group in.

    "Everyone got it?" There was a round of murmured assent.  No one argued with him.

    Sandor looked at his team with determination.  "Come on.  We have a Sophie to rescue."

    Keefe burst out laughing.  "You-you-you sound like those heroes in the old human movies!" he gasped, holding his ribs.  He attempted a deep, heroic voice.  "I'm Mr. Strong and Handsome, and I will rescue Miss Pretty and Unmarried."  He lost the desired effect as he doubled over laughing.

    "Come on Keefe," Fitz dragged him over to Grizel, who had entered the room unnoticed.

    Sandor twisted the crystal and gave it to Dex, who raised it high, catching the light coming in through a wide window.  The first group stepped into the light and sparkled away.


    As soon as they landed, Sandor, Dex, Tam and Linh were ready.  Sandor had drawn his sword, Dex was holding some sort of gadget with wire poking out of it, Tam held shadows behind him and Linh had formed a thin shield in front of them out of water.  When they saw there was no threat, the weapons were put away and the elements released.

    Sandor sniffed around, while Dex poked his gadget and frowned.

    "I'm positive it was here."  He sounded frustrated.  He waved the gadget around in the air, as if picking up a signal.  "It says she's right here!"  Suddenly a girl stepped out of the woods.

    "Who are you guys?"  She sounded interested, not scared or confused by the fact that they appeared out of nowhere on a stream of light.

    "Ummmm..."  Dex looked at the others and pointed to the screen, then at the girl.  The others got the message.  For better or worse, that girl had Sophie's panic switch.

    "I'm Dez Dixnee, and these are my siblings, Lam and Tinh." He gestured at Tam and Linh.  "This it my dad, ummmmm... Greg." One look from the girl told them that she knew he was lying.

    "Would your real names happen to be Dex Dizznee, Tam Song, Linh Song and Sandor?"  They were immediately on guard, ready for anything.  What they weren't ready for was the smile that spread across her face.

    "I'm Annabeth.  Are there any more of you?" At a nod from Sandor, Dex leaped back to the meeting point and leaped back with the second group.  As soon as the others appeared in a shimmer of light, the girl spoke.

    "Are you Fitz, Keefe, Biana and Grizel, by any chance?" The second group nodded warily.

    "Good, Good.  I, Annabeth Chase, give Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Tam Song, Linh Song, Dex Dizznee, Sandor and Grizel permission to enter camp."

    Annabeth led the group through the trees.  As they passed through the final layer, a collective gasp was heard.  A valley spread out below them, filled with happy teens playing volleyball, canoeing in the lake, practicing archery and climbing a rock wall of death.  Wait, what?

    Annabeth gestured at the valley.  "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

AN: I'M SO HAPPY! I gave you a decent chapter for once! Not proofread, so if you see any mistakes, please comment politely.




Have a nice day!

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