Unamed Villian Is Very Creepy

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    "Welcome, Sophie Foster."  A strong feminine voice resounded through the still pre-dawn air.  "I have heard much about you.  Fintan, in particular, is obsessed with you.  Says you are 'the key to unlocking everything he's worked for.'  Me?" She smiled coldly.  "I just want to hear you scream."

     Dimitar carried Sophie through the door.  Before Sophie could react, the door closed, sealing her off from the world, and Annabeth.  She remembered her final words, well thoughts, before the ogres took her.  I will come back.  She promised herself.  For the moment, all she could do was wait, and hope an opportunity to escape arose.

AN: I apologize for this pathetic excuse for a chapter most profusely.  Wattpad is giving me issues, and I was super busy this morning.

There are no excuses.

*clears throat*
I am changing my updating schedule to Saturday, SO TWO UPDATES THIS WEEK!  I will start updating every Saturday, hopefully before my games, which are around five Pacific time. 

See you on Saturday!

Have a nice day!

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