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"Whoa," was all the elves could manage as they stepped down into the valley. The sky was a brilliant blue, free from the clouds that scudded around the edge of the glen.

Annabeth led the way, occasionally stopping to talk to a few teenagers wearing orange shirts.

A boy that looked around 16 ran up and started to talk to Annabeth. His voice was filled with urgency.

"Percy isn't here! He went back to his cabin to take a nap before meeting the newcomers!" He glanced at the group of eight behind him, and did a double take when he noticed Sandor and Grizel.

He recovered his senses. "And he's not there! I went to get him now that you're here, but he wasn't there!"

Annabeth's face went pale, and her gray eyes glittered.

She turned to the group behind her.

"Go with Grover." She adressed the boy standing next to her. "Take them to Nyssa. She'll know what to do. I've told her about them"

Grover nodded, and gestured at Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, Sandor and Grizel to follow him.

They walked through the camp, earing a few suspicious glares, especially at Sandor and Grizel.

They stopped in front of what looked like a forge. Grover knocked, and a girl, Nyssa, answered the door.

"These the elves?" A quick nod from Grover confirmed her suspicion.

She opened the door wider. "I suppose you guys want to know what happened to your friend." They all nodded. "Rest first."

They started protesting, but Nyssa held up her hand. "No. I'll assign you guys cabins. From what Sophie told Annabeth about you guys, I'm gonna guess Hermes for whichever one of you guys is Keefe. Hephaestus for the Dex dude. Aphrodite for whoever Biana is. Hecate for Fitz. Poseidon for Linh-"

Tam interrupted her. "And me." Nyssa frowned.

"Are you Tam? Cause you're Hades."

"No. I stay with my sister." Nyssa frowned again.

"Then you're both in the Big House, which actually might work out, cause two children of the Big Three would probably raise suspicion.

"Sandor and Grizel, Ares. Go to Hecate first though. Tell Lou Ellen I told her to give you guys glamours. She'll know what to do."

Fitz raised a hand. "Why do you keep naming gods from human greek mythology?"

"Ah. Annabeth didn't tell you. Greek Mythology is real. And we're demigods."

AN: I will not be updating for the next two Saturdays, because I will be stuck on a road trip with no cell coverage.  

If you want more FanFic, I have some others and some original stories!




Have a nice day!

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