How to Deep-Clean a Sticky Brain

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Sophie struggled to move forward in Vespera's mind.  The deceptively translucent fog filling the woman's consciousness held her back like she was moving through maple syrup that had been microwaved for an hour and then allowed to cool into some kind of sticky mess that was nearly solid.  Fitz was having even more trouble than she was, barely being able to lift his foot, much less bring it forward.

Sophie gritted her teeth and sent out another brain push, allowing them to move forward another couple steps through the sticky vapor.  She could tell that her mental energy was depleting fast, and she knew that if they continued like this, she wouldn't have the strength to face Vespera at the end.

    This isn't working, Fitz, she transmitted to her cognate.

    Yeah no duh, Fitz responded.  His mental voice sounded breathless and exhausted.  If we keep going like this, we'll be in no shape to face Vespera.

Sophie nodded.  I've got an idea.  What if we mix brain energy and telepathic energy?  The combination of the two might be volatile enough to clear this stupid fog.

I thought Sir Tiergan said that they shouldn't mix, Fitz transmitted, his worried thoughts colored with yellow emotion.

    It can't be that bad, Sophie responded.  We've done it by accident before during the splotching incident and it didn't kill us.

We did end up in Elwin's office for a couple hours after being thrown against the gymnasium wall, Fitz noted pointedly. 

Sophie shrugged.  You got a better plan? 

Fitz sighed. Okay.  This better not end badly.

Sophie laughed, and began to pull up the last dregs of her brain energy, holding it next to the telepathic energy that Fitz was manifesting.  She focused her mind on directing the energy she knew would ensue from the blast toward the fog that was blocking their way into Vepsera's mind.  She nodded at Fitz.  The energy mixed, and for a split second Sophie was afraid it wouldn't work.  Then the fog vaporized and everything went black.

*****LINE BREAK*****

The pig collapsed.  "Finally!" exclaimed Nyssa, as Dex rushed forward to place the skill-restricting circlet onto a no longer pig-shaped Vespera.  Lou Ellen let out a long breath, massaging her temples.  Suddenly, Linh screamed, pointing her arm toward the side of the valley.

The others followed her finger, and were horrified to see Sophie and Fitz about to slip off of the cliff they had used as a vantage point to target Vespera, both apparently unconscious.  Time seemed to be frozen as the pair started free-falling toward the valley floor. 

Linh screamed again, and the plants around her withered, drying up completely and crumbling to dust, toppling a tree and dissolving grass.  She threw her arms forward and a thin stream of water coated their bodies.  Panting, Linh tried to slow them down using her hydrokinesis.

"Come on!  Help me with telekinesis!!" Her shout shocked the other elves into action, and they were able to lower the cognates down to the valley floor carefully while Sandor and the other goblins restrained Vespera's limbs with some form of rope-like material that had appeared from nowhere.

Those that were still conscious clustered in the middle of the valley around those who were not.

"Well," Nyssa started.  "Thanks.  I guess we'll head back now?  I'm sure the gods want their hands on Morpheus as soon as possible.  I'm really sorry it trapped Menoetius, I'll try my best to get the gods to release him, but I don't think they will." She nodded. "It was nice to meet you guys."

Sandor nodded and gripped her arm, giving her a firm handshake.  "It was an honor battling alongside you, daughter of Hephaestus.  Hopefully I will have the opportunity to do so again, ideally without the danger of the world ending."

Nyssa laughed and nodded, and the group broke up.  The elves and goblins surrounded the three unconscious elves in their group, and they glittered away in a stream of light.

Nyssa turned back to the demigods and smiled.  "I'd say that was a successful quest." The others nodded, and Will raised his hand.

"Ummm, how are we going to get back to camp?"

AN: Y'all we are so close! There's one more chapter planned, but if you guys really want an epilogue, I will write one.




Have a great day!

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