Annabeth Fails to Figure out Something Fairly Obvious

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Annabeth woke with a start. She swore that she heard something, but her cabin was silent save for the snores of her siblings.

There it was again. A faint whisper.


"Who are you?" she whispered fiercely.9i9999999999999999999998(My cat stepped on the keyboard)

Suddenly the words came clearly.

We're going to need backup. Press the panic switch.

Annabeth realized it was Sophie. The panic switch. It was one of the rings that Sophie had entrusted her with. The one with the crooked stone embedded in it. Sophie had called it a 'panic switch.' Annabeth got out of bed and retrieved the ring. She turned it around in her hands and wondered how to trigger it.

Suddenly, someone in the cabin snorted and rolled over. Annabeth glanced at the clock. It was 5:45. Pretty soon everybody would be waking up.

Annabeth hurriedly dressed and stepped out into the predawn chill. She hastily strode over to the Hephaestus cabin, clutching the ring tightly in her hand. Knocking slightly, she spoke into the speaker next to the door.

"Bed 2D, please." The speaker crackled, and Nyssa's drowsy voice emenated from the wall-mounted gadget.

"What is it, Annabeth?" Her voice was thick with sleep.
"I need your help."

A few short minutes later, Nyssa arrived at the door of the cabin, alert and ready to work.

They strode quickly through the awakening camp to Poseidon's cabin.

Percy opened the door and looked at the tiredly, absent-mindedly tugging at his obviously slept in rumpled clothes. He joined them and the three walked up to the Big House.

Once they were seated, Annabeth gave Nyssa the ring. Nyssa examined it closely, then decisively pressed the stone in the middle. A small click was heard.

"Well then," Annabeth began. "Let's see what our backup is."

Sorry for short chapter, but I also have to update The Fates' Punishment in the short time I have available.




Have a great day!

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