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    "Uhhhhh..." Nyssa trailed off.  "Who is that?"  Nobody answered her. 

"Sophie said she was bad!" Will called out as he rummaged frantically through his supplies.  Fitz grabbed a shard of rock with his telekinesis and launched it at the woman, but she waved it away with a flick of her fingers.  The other elves followed Fitz's example and kept throwing rocks at the dark-haired villain.  She continued walking forward as if the boulders falling from the sky were nothing more than a light hail.  Annoying sure, but not in any way a hinderance.  (Except when you're swimming and your coaches have no mercy and make you do a kick set cause it 'builds character'  *shudders*)

"Aha!" Will yelled.  "I did pack the bandage flail!" He unrolled what seemed to be a random wad of ace bandages and a flail appeared, complete in all of its chainy, spikey glory.  He flung it at the suspicious lady, but missed, the flail drastically veering off to one side.

Suddenly, a shout of pain was heard, and the medley of heroes looked past their target just in time to see Fintan get hit in the head with a flail and collapse, his head hitting the ground with a crack that made the demigods wince.  They knew their head injuries, and that sounded like a nastly one.

"Oops," Will whispered guiltily.  "I haven't practiced in a while."  Nobody turned to look at him, instead Nyssa whispered harshly. 

"Keep your mind on your job, medic."

"Ouch," Will muttered.  "That hurt."  He quickly turned back to keeping Sophie's blood inside her body.  He had his work cut out for him as blood poured from the innumerable gashes she had suffered.  She was lucky whatever she did didn't sever a limb.

The author turned her attention back to the group of people she can't come up with a name for.  We are now looking at them, not Will.  Stop looking over there.  Come on, over here.

The giant tall dude seemed to make a decision.  He nodded firmly, wiped his blood-soaked sword on his ragged tunic, and charged.  Nyssa and Lou Ellen fanned out next to him, wielding their own dripping weapons.

Yelling an unintelligible battle cry, they lunged, blades swinging at the woman with pointy ears and scythe-sharp smile.

"Darlings," she purred. "The author can't keep coming up with different monikers for me, so you must know my name.  It is Vespera."  Then she flicked her hand, and the two demigods flew to the side.  The large figure, however, stood firm.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself properly, either," he growled.  "I am Menoetius.  I am your doom."

Vespera laughed.  "Sure you are, sweety.  A+ for effort and a participation trophy.  Oh, bring.  It.  On."

Menoetius snarled and raised his sword.

Vespera held her arms like blades.

Both of them swung.


You'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out cause your author is evil.

AN:  I'm sorry this is so bad, guys.  I'm doing water polo and work and lots of homework and I'm kind of overwhelmed right now.  I'm going to try to update once a month, but we'll see if that works out.  This chapter is dedicated to Dragonfly99095 , who forced me to update and inspired the chapter title.

Thank you guys so much for 32k reads guys!! You're the best readers ever.




Have a WONDERFUL day!!!!

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