Force-shifting is TERRIFYING

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AN: I have a headcanon I just HAVE to share.  So saliva is mostly water, right?  And Percy can heal with water, right?  So if Percy licks his wounds, they heal!  CAT PERCY!

 Dimitar and the soldier walked away from Percy's limp body. The soldier grunted.

"Shouldn't we take the boy? He is the most influential at that puny camp. We could use him to-" The king cut him off.

"I am not having another Hydrokinetic in my city." He turned and looked the soldier straight in the eyes. "Understood?" The soldier gulped and nodded hurriedly.

They started to run. Sophie's head bounced against Dimitars stomach, and she thanked the gods that she wasn't any taller. Suddenly they were falling, and Sophie flailed and screamed. Dimitar grunted.

"Quiet! And don't move." Dimitar sounded so serious that Sophie immediately obeyed. Dimitar and the soldier grunted again and suddenly they were flying up instead of down, the wind whistling in Sophie's ears and threatening to pull her hair out of her hair tie. Luckily, the tie held.

Sophie realized that they had just force-shifted. The ogres had just used their momentum to reverse gravity and fling themselves in the opposite direction. When they started to fall again, soaring through the night sky, Sophie grabbed the hair tie out of her hair to secure it on her wrist.

Dimitar and the soldier landed, their legs absorbing the impact. Sophie was set on the ground, and she put her hair back up into a ponytail. She had no idea where the heck they were, and had no way of finding out.

She just hoped Annabeth and Nyssa could find her.

Sophie was tempted to pull the strings on her bracelet and stab the two ogres, but she knew the whole point of allowing herself to be kidnapped was to find their base and launch an attack. Not just kill some pawns.

In chess, you don't sacrifice a queen to take out a pawn. They were sacrificing their queen to checkmate the king.

But first, she had to find the king.

Ok, I know this chapter is SUPER SHORT, but that just seemed the perfect way to end it.  You will get an update next Wednesday, so don't fret.

I have published a series of one-shots about my crazy everyday life.  All of them are true, believe it or not.  It is called My Adventures as a Knight of the Lunch Table.  Also, check out my other original story, Tree of Tears, and my Harry Potter FanFic; The Tale of the Three Borthers: As Told by the Eldest Brother.




Have a nice day!


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