I'm so Lame (and so is Vespera)

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Sophie shook her head, clearing out her brain, which felt dusty and cobwebby, being suppressed by whatever was weakening her telepathy. She searched her brain for the memories that had flooded her when the woman had mentioned her name.


Screams echoing through cold, dark hallways.

Humans with horns and tails being paraded in front of elven scientists, expressions of pain contorting their tear-streaked faces.

Sterile walls splattered with blood.

A man who isn't human or elvish strapped to a table, writhing as surgeons cut into his brain.

Sophie emerged from the memories, gasping. How was Vespera still sane?

Then again, she probably wasn't.

Sophie contemplated the last image. A man, not elvish, not human, definitely not gnomish, troll, or ogre.

Could he possibly be one of the greek deities that Annabeth had talked about?

She delved back into the memory, and noticed a clipboard hanging from the end of his bed.


Under the 'comments' section someone had written a sentence.

Just as your relative Prometheus granted mankind fire, so shall you grant us your secrets, willingly or not.


"Soooo...." Keefe's hesitant voice broke the silence. "How are we going to rescue Miss Pretty and Unmarried?"

No one laughed.

Fitz rested his face in his hands a groaned. "It's all my fault..."

"Shut up Fitz," chorused everyone.

"Remember," Biana pulled Fitz's head out of his hands, grabbing his hair. "Guilt is dangerous." She didn't say anything more, but everyone understood.

We don't have Sophie here to heal a broken mind.

AN: I don't have any words to express how sorry I am.  I will try my very hardest to update more regularly now that school's started and I have a schedule, but I'm going to be very busy.  Look for an update on my other fics later this week or next weekend.




Have a GREAT day!

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