*explosion sound effects*

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    Sophie was screwed.  After not updating for three months, the author realized that she needed to write, and end the fanfiction soon.  So something drastic needed to happen to Sophie to move the story along.

    Sophie lay curled up on her side, barely able to rest without impaling herself on the sharp crystals lining the walls.  She stared at the hair tie.  Everything depended on the tracker inside it.  No pressure, Sophie thought with a dry chuckle.  Just don't fail.  She wondered how many times people had thought that regarding her.  Don't mess up, Sophie!  She thought sarcastically.  But if you do, that's okay!  Only the entire elven world will be destroyed and all of your friends will die!  No pressure!

    Suddenly, the tracker blinked.  Sophie sat up and casually covered the hair tie with her hand so that her captors wouldn't notice the flash of light through any cameras they might have installed.  That light meant that some kind of force was about 20 minutes away.  Hopefully, Annabeth had gotten her message to contact the elves, and they had gotten along peacefully, and were working together.

    When they were about to attack, the hair tie would flash again, signalling Sophie to try to create some kind of distraction, if she could.  Sophie wondered what she could do to distract her captors.  She could use outward channeling to blow up the walls, but she risked hurting herself in the process.  Then she reconsidered.  How many times had a viable plan been ruled out because someone might get hurt?  Elves tried to avoid violence and gore as much as possible, but what if that was the answer?  The worst that could happen was that the crystals shattered and became sharp and cut Sophie, but the most permanent harm that could happen was losing a limb or something.  Anything else, Elwin could fix.  Her captors had bet on the fact that Sophie would be too wary of harming herself to attempt outward channeling, but if Biana could jump through a mirror, she could do some outward channeling.

    The hair tie blinked again.

    Sophie braced herself, concentrating hard,

    And her world exploded.

I know Biana jumping through a mirror hasn't happened in this timeline yet, but I needed that sentence.  Just ignore the impossibilities of it.




Have an amazing day!

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