Fancy Seeing You Here

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AN:  Just a warning, I am awful at writing King Dimitar.  That proves I am not Shannon Messenger.  I also suck at writing Percabeth, so I can't be Rick Riordan.


"Well, well," the king chuckled. "Sophie Foster. Fancy seeing you here." Sophie glared at the king and stepped forward, about to say something, but Annabeth held her back.

"What do you want?" Annabeth asked fiercely, glaring at the ogre.

"Haven't I made that obvious? My only wish is that Sophie Foster be turned into me in two day's time, at this very border. Then my brethren and I will agree not to smash this puny camp to smithereens."

Percy stepped forward now, and stood by Annabeth, leaving Sophie behind them them, awkwardly third-wheeling and trying to look over their shoulders. She saw King Dimitar's smug smile, so sure that he had won. Then Percy opened his mouth.

"So if we give into your demands, what do we get?" The smirk on Dimitar's face was replaced with a confused look. "I mean, obviously you get Sophie, but what do we get?"

Dimitar scoffed. "Foolish human. You get my promise that your camp is safe from us."

Percy nodded. "Yeah, yeah. But how do we know you will hold true to your word?" Dimitar started to speak, but Percy held up his hand. "Stop. We will just have to trust you, I suppose." He held up a finger. "One moment." Percy paced, muttering and gesticulating wildly.

"Ok!" He nodded, sure of himself. "No."

"Excuse me?" King Dimitar spoke, shocked.

"No," affirmed Percy. "You can not have Sophie Foster now or two days from now. So leave us! We are busy people."

Dimitar made no move to leave. Percy gave him a stern look. "This camp will not hesitate to send you to Tartarus," he reminded Dimitar.\

Dimitar finally gave up and started stalking away from the camp.

"I will be back in two day's time, and I expect Sophie Foster to await me here, unarmed and bound for me to take back to my home."

AN: I almost ended here. But because I love you guys, I will write more. It might be a little Percabeth.

As soon as Dimitar was out of sight, Annabeth punched Percy's arm.

"You idiot!" she exclaimed. "We could of worked out a solution." Percy pulled her against his chest with one arm.

"You idiot," she repeated fondly, and kissed him softly. Sophie stood awkwardly until Annabeth noticed. Annabeth blushed crimson and told Sophie to go tell Chiron in the Big House what transpired with the ogre.

"One last thing you should know," said Sophie. She explained about the Neverseen and how they wanted to capture her. She remained vague on why. She also explained that Dimitar was the king of the ogres, and seemed to have sided back with the Neverseen. Annabeth nodded, frowning.

"I won't let her think too much," Percy promised, and led Annabeth away. Sophie ran back to the Big House to talk to Chiron, channeling to her legs as she went.

AN: School starts again next week after a two week break.  Yay.  Note the sarcasm.

Happy Holidays!  (I can still say that)

Happy New Year!  (I know it is the 3rd.  Deal with it)

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