Look at What You've Done, You've Confused Him

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     When Sophie woke up, there were way too many people in Elwin's cramped office. It appeared that Fitz had fulfilled his promise to contact the Black Swan, as Blur had joined them, along with three other goblins, bringing the total goblin count to five. The demigods were huddled in one corner, heatedly discussing something that seemed to involve a chain around Lou Ellen's neck. In another corner, the elves sat with Blur, trying to figure out his identity by peppering him with questions. (I have a theory that I'm 99.9 percent sure is correct, but I won't put it here in case I'm right, I don't want to spoil it. PM me if you want to hear it and my evidence)

     Sophie moved to rub the sleep from her eyes, but her left hand had a strange weight in it. Fitz's hand was still in hers, and Sophie wondered why he slept in the uncomfortable chair next to her bed all night instead of taking one of Elwin's offered cots. Speaking of Elwin, he was spraying something in front of Fitz's nose as he slept. Seeing Sophie's questioning gaze, Elwin held up the bottle of Fade Fuel he was using.

     "He gave you a little too much of his concentration when you leaped. Nothing serious, I'm just being cautious," Elwin explained. Fitz shifted in his chair and squeezed Sophie's hand, before letting go. He opened his eyes, yawned, and stretched his arms behind his back, shoulders cracking with the sudden movement.

      Elwin snorted. "Sleep well, princess?"

      "Shut up," Fitz mumbled good naturedly, half asleep.

      "Well!" said Nyssa, clapping her hands. "Now that everyone's awake, we need to discuss a plan." She sighed. "We have one that we think will work, but we need something to bait the trap that would force both Morpheus and Vespera to show up, and we don't know what that could be."

      Suddenly, a flash of light illuminated the room, luckily not as strong as that of a god's, and the huge man from the battle earlier appeared in the center of the already packed infirmary.

      "I think I can help with that," he rumbled.

*****LINE BREAK*****

     "Let me get this straight." Blur rubbed his face in exasperation. "You all are demigods, the children of the gods from human mythology, who, apparently, are real." The demigods nodded. "Your mother-," he gestured at Lou Ellen. "-a goddess, visited you in your dreams last night and somehow gave you a magical chain that will somehow trap the god we're facing here." Lou Ellen nodded.

    "That about sums it up."

    "Ok," Blur continued. He faced the large figure. "What did you say your name was?"

     "Menoetius, son of Iapetus," he responded.

    "And, just to confirm, you're saying that you're a titan from this mythology who has a history of being evil, so much so that Zeus himself banished you to Tarturas, which is, apparently, real, and now you've been reformed by a thousand years held captive by Vespera and now you suddenly want to help humanity, and by extension, not-evil elves."

    Menoetius nodded in affirmation. "You are correct."

     "Got it." Blur took a deep breath. "You know, I'm used to crazy stuff happening with you guys, but this is a whole 'nother level."

    Sophie snorted. "You can say that again."

*****LINE BREAK*****

    "Okay, let's go over the plan one more time." Sandor's squeaky voice was determined. "Menoetius, you'll be standing in the valley, somehow broadcasting your location. You'll be wearing the chain trap, waiting for Morpheus and Vespera to show." He addressed Menoetius. "You're sure they'll come?" Menoetius nodded.

    "Absolutely. Morpheus hates me for not supporting Kronos's attempted overthrow, even though I was imprisoned. Vespera will be scared of anyone revealing her secrets. I did live in her various bases for a millennia. They will jump at any opportunity to imprison me again, either in Vespera's clutches or back to the depths of Tartarus."

    Sandor looked at Lou Ellen. "As soon as Menoetius is able to give the chain to Morpheus, say your spell so we can take him out of the equation as quickly as possible. You and Will can take care of retrieving the chain to prevent him from being released." He turned to Sophie and Fitz. "You guys will need to verify that the Vespera we're seeing isn't an illusion. As soon as you do, contact me and the other goblins telepathically. Us and Nyssa will rush Vespera, hopefully distracting her. Tam and Linh will also be attacking using their abilities. Dex will arm himself and Keefe with projectile gadgets." He stared at Dex. "And they won't hit any of us." Dex nodded sheepishly, and Sandor continued.

    "Sophie and Fitz, you two will need to be assaulting her mind telepathically as powerfully as you can. If possible, incapacitate her. We should be able to take her into custody using a skill repressor Dex made." Sophie shuddered at the memory of the terrible circlet.

     It isn't for you this time, Fitz reminded her telepathically.

     I just don't like the idea of anyone being subjected to that. It was horrible.

     I know. Fitz squeezed her shoulder in reassurance. We'll take it off as soon as she's safely locked up in Exile, we just can't risk her using her skills and escaping.

     Sophie cleared her mind and tried to ignore the blush crawling up her cheeks, turning back to the discussion. Keefe caught her eye and winked like he knew exactly why she was embarrassed. Sophie resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him, deciding that appearing immature in front of some of the coolest people she had ever met would be a bad idea. She cleared her throat.

    "We've got this, guys. Let's get ready."

Hope you all are staying safe and home and not bored out of your mind like I am!




Have a great day!!

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