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Noemi :

Mi sveglio la mattina e mi vesto velocemente, mi lavo i denti e scendo a fare colazione. Denise non era in camera, ma ieri ha detto che si sarebbe alzata presto per fare un giro in città, probabilmente è ancora là.

Guardo l'orologio, sono le 8:38. Alle 14 dobbiamo essere in piscina, quindi ho ancora un bel po' di tempo per fare quello che voglio.

Prendo una brioche al cioccolato (tanto per cambiare) e mi siedo.

Mi arriva una notifica da YouTube,

ShawnMendesVEVO ha caricato un nuovo video.

Prendo le cuffiette che avevo in tasca e le collego al telefono, poi me le infilo nelle orecchie. Scusa,ma Shawn dove ha trovato il tempo per fare una canzone?

La canzone si chiama "the weight".

I wanna go back... Forget that it's over.
Painted in black, when you left me alone.

I never knew, she was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with, and I can't go back to her anymore,no more...

You tell me you were happier with him, you want me to stay
And you tell me that you needed time but you push me away

But then you try to make me back, my heavy heart just breaks... No, I can't lift the weight.

Put you in the past, try to forget you 'cause it's over

And every time you ask, I pretend I'm okay

You' re inside my head in the middle of the night

When I don't feel right, I dream I can hold you, and I can't go back to you anymore...

You tell me were happier with him, you want me to stay

And you tell me that you needed time but you push me away

But then you try to take me back, my heavy heart just breaks... But I can't lift the weight, and I can't lift the weight..

And I can't lift the weight, no I can't lift the weight

amo il mio peggior nemico  ||Shawn Mendes||❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora