Chapter 1

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The alarm blares on my dresser but I have already been up for an hour, going for a run and showering within that time. The clock displays 6:00 am and for some this might be early but not for me. I am and always have been an early riser. I enjoy the early morning, the peace and quiet it brings, especially at my office. I get almost two hours of tranquility in my office before others start to arrive. I have heard mummers of people wondering if I ever sleep. I am the first one in and the last one to leave always. I don't mind. My job is my life. I have worked damn hard to get to where I am and I enjoy it immensely. If people are uncomfortable with my work ethic because they lack their own, well so be it.

I dress in a tailored Gucci black pant suit and black Prada heels. I drape my Chanel pearl necklace over my white blouse. I know I have expensive taste but I live in NYC for God sakes, it's hard not to. Especially since I have no responsibilities but to myself, I can afford whatever I want and I damn well treat myself. Besides, I deal with high profile clientele only, people who dress as well if not better than me. I have to keep up appearances not to mention my reputation. I sigh. It's all a little exhausting sometimes. I see my support staff fluttering in and out, going to lunches, smiling, laughing effortlessly with each other. I sometimes envy them. They come to work, do their job and then have lives outside of work. I do not. Well I can't say I don't completely, I date but not often. I have two close friends here in NY and they are about the only ones I can stand for longer than a few hours at a time.

I press the elevator call button down to the lobby. I walk as my heels clack on the marble floor.

"Good morning Ms. Johnson. Your car is outside." Kevin the morning security guard/door man announces to me. He is a nice older man, someone who was probably good looking in his day. I think he was a former cop way back when.

"Thank you Kevin. Have a good day." I say as he holds the door for me as I walk through.

"Ms. Johnson. Good morning." My driver Sean opens my door and I get in to the black Tahoe. It's an overly giant car but my firm pays for it so I can't complain. One of the perks of being a partner. "Directly to the office Ms. Jonson?" Sean asks as I pull out my phone.

"Yes please." I pause. "Actually Sean could we see my parents first? I won't be able to see them for a while."

"Of course miss." He puts the car in drive and we head into traffic. I know we are going completely opposite way to Brooklyn but I need to see them. I'm looking over emails, I have a few already from Mr. Jonathan Anderson and my personal assistant Jennifer. Mr. Anderson is a new client, well his company I should say, a very important and potentially huge client. Anderson Development has just expanded into NYC and hired our law firm to be their real estate attorneys, more specifically me. I am the partner in charge of that arm of our firm. They are massive in Chicago and if we do right by them on this first acquisition it could mean a substantial book of business for us and a large payout for me. I have our first meeting with him and his associates today and if all goes well, several more meeting in the upcoming months. I look up after sending my last email response in time to see the gates of Green-Wood Cemetery.

I watch out the window as we drive through the gorgeous cemetery. It's a beautiful summer day, the sun has just begun to rise, casting orange and pink light on the manicured grounds. Flowers and green are everywhere, with the tombstones looking as if they are lawn ornaments rather than someones final resting place. There is so much beauty in such a sad place. I am glad my parents could afford to be here. It was closer to us at the time but after they died, I had to move. There were too many memories around Brooklyn. We pull up to where my parents cremations are held in the Tranquility Garden building.

"I won't be long Sean, please keep the car running."

"Of course miss." Sean replies as he closes the door behind me. He knows by now that I see them alone. Sean has been with me for three years and every other week we come here before work. It's usually on a Friday but today I need to talk to them. I need their support for this meeting.

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