Chapter 25

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A/N Hi there! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. It's really gotten some traction the past few weeks with reads and I am beyond excited! I haven't really told anyone I'm writing because ya know, hard to put yourself out there like that, but my husband knows and mentioned it to his cousin last weekend and he thought it was the coolest thing. The fact that strangers are reading and enjoying my writing is really amazing. So thank you so much for reading!! I'm really going to try to update more regularly! Now back to it :)


After I dressed in some new clothes Jeffery brought, I was officially allowed to wear normal clothes, Bridget came to collect me for my walk. She brought a walker with her and I just about died of embarrassment. She said I had to, that it was hospital protocol. I swallowed my pride and let her take me a on a lap around the floor.

I did really well, not even needing the walker. I felt good. I felt strong and determined. I took Travis' words to heart though. I knew how deceiving this feeling was, that inside my heart was still repairing itself and I had still gone through major surgery, as minimally invasive as it was.

Sam stopped by on her lunch break to visit with me a little. She would be keeping me company for a few days when I got out so she was busy making sure things were taken care of before she took off. I had the best friends in the world. The next two weeks were going to be mind numbingly boring so having Sam and Jeffery to keep me company would be greatly appreciated.

The day came and went, I spent sometime browsing the internet, doing some shopping to pass the time. I was extremely tempted to look at my work emails but I knew no good could come from it. Plus if Jeffery found out he would take it away from me.

I had just finished eating dinner and opened my book to do some reading when Travis came to my door. I was sitting in the chair rather than my bed so his face showed a bit of confusion until he turned and found me.

"Good evening Becca. How's my favorite patient?"

I stood up to show him my strength. "Really good." I was beaming with pride.

"I see that. I heard your walk earlier went well. Care to join me for another?"

He reached out his hand to me and I took it nodding. "Absolutely."

He lead us out the door, still holding my hand. I couldn't help but notice the difference between how soft his were compared to Johnathan's. His were strong and calloused from building things. I actually liked the feeling of them on my skin. The contrast between rough and smooth. I sighed and realized it was out loud.

"You alright? We can do this later if you want?" He said stopping just past the nurses station.

"Yea, yea I'm fine. Sorry. Where to?"

"It's a surprise." He winked at me and pulled me forward gently.

We walked down the hallway in comfortable silence, I curiously looked into each room as we passed. I know I shouldn't invade someones privacy like that but it was hard not to.

We reached the elevators and stopped. "We're going to different floor?"

He smiled at me. "Yep."

When the elevator door opened we walked in and Travis swiped his keycard before pressing floor 8, the surgical floor.

I looked up at him confused. "Where are we going?"

He just smiled and whispered "You'll see."

The elevator stopped and he lead me off, his hand never leaving mine the entire time. We walked through, people nodding to him in a hello but also confused by my presence.

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