Chapter 35

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A/N Sexy times ahead

I woke up to Travis trailing kisses down my neck. "Good morning. Time to wake up."


"Come on. I wanna go for a run before my family comes. I'll make it worth your while in the shower after."

I open my eyes to find his handsome face directly over mine.

"There she is." He leans down to kiss me quickly.

"Aren't you playing football later anyway? Can't you just count that?"

"You mean the drinking beer while we play with middle age men football? Yea that doesn't really get my heart pumping."

"Ha. Okay. What about something else to get your heart pumping?"

I slide my hand down his side, stopping at his waistband. I traced the line of his V with my index finger. He shuddered from my touch.

"I had no idea you were such a fiend. As much as I would like to." He pushed his erection into my stomach. "As you can tell. Same rules apply from last night. We won't be doing that while we are here."

I sigh and roll my eyes in frustration.

He laughs at me. "You know for a badass lawyer, you seem to have a teenage drama queen side to you."

"And you seem to forget you're a grown man and have a half naked woman in your bed wanting to have sex with you. But you're too worried mommy will hear you." I quip back in a teasing but seductive way. Maybe I can get him to cave.

"I'm not worried about her hearing me, sweetheart." He reaches his hand under my nightie, moving his fingers underneath my panties. "I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. Don't for a minute think I don't want to take you in every possible way but it won't happen here." He massaged my already swollen clit slowly.

I moaned. "Travis."

He continued circling, building my pleausure. My inner walls were throbbing, aching for him to be inside.

"Travis. Please I need to feel you. Just put it in."

He plunged a finger inside. Dammit that's not what I meant or wanted.

"Travis." It came on scolding and breathy. "Please." I was pleading now. I looked at him and I could see him cracking. I kissed him hard, bucking my hips against his finger.

"Fuck." He pulled away and rolled off me, getting up from the bed.

"What? Where are you going?" I ask worried now.

"To get a condom from my bag." He says walking to the closet.

I can't help the satisfied grin that spreads across my face. I grab the bottom of my nightie and bring it over my head, tossing it on the floor.

Travis comes back towards the bed holding the condom in his teeth. He strips off his sweatpants and boxers, watching me as I remove my panties.

He tears open the foil packet and strokes himself a few times before rolling the condom on.

He kneels on the bed, lowering himself on top of me.

"We have to be slow and quiet. But just so you know, when we get back to the city, we are going to do it properly."

I just nod my head smiling.

He positions himself in front of my entrance and I bite my lip in anticipation. I feel his head push through slowly and then feel him fill me entirely.

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