Chapter 18

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A/N Mature content end of chapter

The sun is starting to rise over the lake as I sit drinking my coffee, enjoying the stillness of the morning. I hear a couple chirps of birds as the forest starts to wake. I really love it here, it's so calming. It is the complete opposite of the city with it's hustle and bustle. I love city life but this is pretty great too. I'm sure I would get restless eventually but maybe I wouldn't. Maybe I would enjoy a simpler life. 

I sit pondering and listening to the forest when I hear the back door open and shut behind me.

"Good morning Rebecca." I turn to find Kyle, mug in hand, next to me. "Mind if I join you?"

"Morning Kyle, of course not. Please sit."

He sits in the open Adirondack chair next to me. "You're up early? Time zone change?"

"Yea I'm usually up early at home and I slept like a rock so I'm ready to start the day. I can never sleep on vacations."

"I hear ya. Me too. You excited to ride today? Johnathan told me you have experience." He asks sipping his coffee.

"I am and I do. I'm going to ride Axel." I say confidently.

"Really?" He scoffs. "Well good luck with that one. He can be a real bastard. I'm actually about to head out to the stables if you want to join?"

I contemplate it for a minute, it's just after 6 it won't be a while until everyone else is awake. "Sure, let me change. I'll meet you out there."

I quietly changed, Johnathan not even stirring and make my way towards the stables. It's light out now but that first light that still casts shadows. I see the lights of the barn have been turned on and see Kyle and another man walking out with empty buckets.

"Hey Rebecca. I'd like you to meet Logan, he's one of the new ranch hands we hired. Logan this is Rebecca, Mr. Anderson's fiance."

"Oh no, no just girlfriend. Not fiance." I extend my hand to Logan who shakes it.

"Oh I'm sorry, I just apologies." Kyle says embarrassed.

"Well nice to meet you Rebecca, not fiance." He chuckles. He's cute in a young brother kind of way. "I was just about to go grab water for the horses. I'll see you around." He tops his cowboy hat to me.

"See ya." I give him a smile and I think I see him blush a little.

Logan leaves and Kyle laughs. "Sorry again about that."

"It's no problem really. We're practically there anyway. Can I help with something?" I ask as we walk towards the entrance. I can smell the horses and know there is probably some stable cleanup needed.

"Well, I mean no disrespect, but I don't think the boss man would want you to do any work. That's what he pays us for."

"Please I insist and I promise I'll leave the maneur to you guys." He laughs. "I can help feed them or brush them. Really I don't mind at all, I'd like to."

"I don't know.."

"You let me worry about Johnathan. He knows how...persuasive I can be. I'm a lawyer, trust me he won't question that I forced you to let me help." He sighs, contemplating. "Please, it's been so long since I had a horse of my own to take care of, I really do miss that bonding time." I give him my sweetest voice hoping to crack him.

I can see his resolve crumbling. "OK, fine. When it's nice like this we take them out to feed while we clean the stables. You can help us bring them out and then help brush?"

"Deal. Thank you Kyle."

We walk into the stable and I instantly feel giddy. We walk to Slash and Betty who are next to each other on the left. Both beautiful brown American horses, Slash being just a little bit bigger. I go to Betty and rub her face.

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