Chapter 10

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I wake up beside a lightly snoring Johnathan, his face turned towards mine, looking completely peaceful. I, however, probably tossed and turned all night and decided to just give up sleeping altogether. I look over at the clock that reads 5:02 am. Well guess I might as well workout and try to get these nerves to calm down. I roll out of bed and quietly tiptoe towards my walk in closet. Unfortunately with it being so dark, I stub my toe on the corner of my bed and instantly fall to the ground, grabbing my now throbbing appendage.

"Mother fuck shit fuck!" I'm rolling around, almost certain it's broken. I've broken my pinky toes more times than I can count but this one stings like no other. I hear the covers ruffle and Johnathan shoot up out of bed.

"Becca? Are you alright? What happened?" He exclaims bending down towards my head.

"I think I just broke my toe. Fuck." He starts laughing. "It's not funny it fucking hurts." I feel him stand up and walk over to switch on the light. I squint my eyes trying to adjust to it and sit up.

"Never took you for a wuss. I would have thought you could tolerate pain better." He reaches out his hand and I take it, standing up.

"I can but stubbing your toe is the fucking worst. Especially this early in the morning." I hobble over to the bed and sit as Johnathan sits next to me.

"What are you even doing up?"

I continue rubbing my toe. "I can't sleep, I was gonna go workout."

"Nervous about today?" He asks rubbing my back.

"A little but it's more that my brain won't shut off. I keep going through all of the possible scenarios. I was gonna go run to try to clear my head when I smashed my toe. Sorry I woke you, you should go back to sleep."

He snorted. "After that? You nearly gave me a heart attack with your dramatics, I can't sleep now."

I smacked his arm. "I was not dramatic!" He raised his eyebrow. "Fine maybe a little." I stand up to go change but before I can go anywhere, Johnathan grabs my arm.

"Where are you going?"

"To the gym. Why do you want to come?"

"Yes and no." He smirks. "If you are in need of a workout, I have something else in mind." I look down to see his morning erection at full mast. My eyes go wide and I feel the heat spread in my body. I straddle him and start kissing his neck.

"What a great idea, Mr. Anderson."


"So you'll call me when your done and let me know how it goes?" I nod. "OK and then I'll come and sign the paperwork today if they want."

"If it goes well..." I trail off thinking of the other possible outcomes.

"It will. Have faith Becca." He kisses me swiftly at first but then goes back in for a deeper, longer one. "I have to go. I'm just working from the hotel today so call me as soon as you are done and I'll come right over." I nod sipping the last of my coffee. "OK." He grabs his jacket and heads for the door. I head back to my room to finish getting ready, feeling a little bit more relaxed after my workout with Johnathan. I still would have liked to run though but I don't have time now.

I arrive at the office a little before 8:30, later than normal but I know I'm going to be distracted until James and Walter get in, so there was no need to get in early today. I set my things down and open up my laptop, preparing myself for the email I need to write.



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