Chapter 36

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Dinner was delicious and filling, as Thanksgiving dinner tended to be. Conversation was great and full of hilarious stories. Kenneth and Rick had this competitive banter while Bill just acted as the moderator, chiming in to remind them of what really happened in their stories.

I learned that Travis and Max didn't fall far from the competitive apple trees of their fathers. They constantly tried to one up each other, especially when it came to girls. Max winked at me from across the table and I just laughed. I was not something he would one up Travis on.

After helping clean up, everyone retired to the living room for coffee and dessert. As I thought, the apple pie we brought was unbelievable. We'd have to go to that bakery more often.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles was playing on the TV; another Hanson family tradition. I was tucked neatly into Travis, sipping my coffee and enjoying every minute.

It felt right. Almost too right. I was comfortable here but it felt off. The details were wrong. It should be Johnathan I was tucked into, with his family surrounding us in our house in Brooklyn.

But it wasn't and probably never would be.

I felt guilty in that moment thinking about Johnathan. Travis was wonderful and opened his home and family to me so I wouldn't be alone today. I couldn't help think that maybe I wouldn't have been. What if I didn't have plans and Johnathan asked me to spend it with him instead? Maybe we would be at our house right now.

There's no sense in dwelling on the what if's. Me being here is what happened and that's what I need to focus on.

I felt Travis stir beneath me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Come on let's go change. We're gonna start the bonfire soon." Travis said lifting his arm up so I could slide out.


He helped me up and held onto my hand as we made our way through the bodies laying on the floor.

"Keep it PG up there kids." Max yelled from the couch as we reached the hallway.

Travis just gave him the finger as we disappeared into it.

We reached the bedroom and I walked in ahead of Travis. As soon as he shut the door, he made a beeline for me and brought me in for a wild, passionate kiss.

"I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to last." He breathed before assaulting my neck. He sucked on the spot right beneath my jaw and I moaned.

"Travis." I panted. "People."

"Don't care."

His mouth left my neck and he spun me around. He swept my hair out of the way and found my zipper. He undid it quickly and peeled it off my shoulders. It fell to the ground and pooled around me.

He started kissing my shoulders and made his way back to my neck while his skilled hands unhooked my bra. I shimmied out of it as he brought my panties to the floor.

He trailed his hands up my thigh and was just about to touch me where I was aching with need when a hard knock on the door interrupted us.

"Yo Trav! We need your help with the wood!" Billy tried to stiffle a laugh.

"Yea we heard you probably have some." Nick barely got his words out.

"Come on Hotrod let's go!" Billy slapped the door before we heard their stampeding steps down the stairs.

"Fuckers." Travis mumbled. He came around to me. "Sorry about them. Guess we will have to finish this later."

I chuckled. "It's fine my horny ass can wait. Let's spend time with your fam."

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