Chapter 20

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The front door opens to our house and I can hear music coming from the kitchen. I set my briefcase down on the bench and step out of my heels.

As I make my way towards the kitchen I smell the aroma of Mexican spices cooking.

"Johnathan?" I ask coming around the corner. He's mid stirring over a pan, with another one going next to it.

"Hey! You're home. How'd the appointment go?" He asks as I make my way over. I kiss him and look at the pans, my hand resting on his shoulder. Mmm fajitas.

"It was rescheduled, the doctor had some family emergency." I open the fridge and grab a sparkling water.

"What? Bec. That's unacceptable. When is the appointment rescheduled for?"

I take a sip. "Tomorrow. They are confirming the time in the morning with me. Don't worry it's no big deal. I felt fine today. It's probably not even necessary." I lie. I lie so well and I hate it.

"Hmm. Well I'm open tomorrow, I could go with you if you want?" Of course he can.

"No, no it's fine. Really. I'll call you right after."

"Alright. Why don't you go relax, dinner will be ready soon." It unnerves me how easy this conversation went, how easily he trusts me. I start to feel immense guilt.

I nod. "I'm gonna go change then." I kiss his cheek before leaving.

I change out of my suit and throw on leggings and an oversized sweater. It's getting colder and the fall weather has me craving comfy, cozy clothing. I love coming home, throwing on something like this and snuggling under a blanket in front of the fireplace. I can't wait until it snows, especially being so close to the park. It's going to be so beautiful.

I make my way back down towards the kitchen and stop in my tracks when I see Johnathan sitting at the island with my phone in his hand. His body is tense and face red with anger. Shit.

"Rebecca. What the fuck is this?" He turns my phone towards me and I see a text message conversation with Travis's name at the top. Double shit. My heart drops into my stomach.

"Johnathan." I say trying to calm him. I'm honestly scared right now about how this is going to go.

"So not only did you just lie to my face about having the appointment, there might actually be something seriously wrong with you." He scoffs angrily. "And to top it all off, Travis fucking Hanson is the only one you told. Not even you're own fucking husband who has been worried sick about you. What the actual fuck Rebecca?"

I ignore the fact he says husband because I can't go there right now. "Johnathan. I'm sorry. I should have told you but I don't want to worry you if it's nothing. You've been treating me like some China doll and I couldn't handle if you thought something was truly wrong."

"You don't get to decide how I will react to something. I love you, of course I'm going to fucking worry. That's what you do when you care about someone. No. This is something more. This is you confiding in a man you care about."

"Excuse me?" I know exactly where this is going and it's going to get ugly fast.

"How long have you been seeing him behind my back? Clearly from your conversations you've met up a few times, I'm just wondering how many have involved his dick inside of you."

"You've got to be kidding me. Johnathan. Travis and I are just friends. Yes we have had some lunches together, with Kenneth, I might add. He's a nice guy and we get along. I view him as a brother or cousin. I have no romantic feelings for him whatsoever." I try to remain calm because I screwed up but his accusation pisses me off.

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