Chapter 2

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It's been over two hours and I'm still seething. I just had email correspondence with him this morning and he didn't show, let alone have the decency to tell me he wasn't coming himself. I would have rescheduled. This was our introductory meeting, it sets the tone for the relationship which has now started off like shit. I feel very disrespected and it is not a feeling I enjoy or feel often, if ever. I sigh knowing I have to play nice, which makes me even more frustrated. A knock at my door brings me back to reality.

"Come in." I expect to see Jennifer but it's Gavin, my current flavor of the month.

"Hey babe, wanted to see if you were free for lunch?" I mentally roll my eyes. I hate terms of endearment, especially babe or baby. I'm not an infant child. It's just as bad as being called hot, I am not a temperature. Increase your vocabulary!

"Yea sure, I just have some things to finish up first. Can you wait like fifteen minutes?"

"Sure, I can make a few phone calls while I wait. I'll be in reception." He smiles and then closes the door. I sigh and shake my head slightly. On paper Gavin is exactly the man I should be with. He is extremely successful, intelligent, gorgeous as hell and dotes on me excessively but he's too nice, too devoted. Any other woman would be besides themselves to have him but I'm lukewarm at best. I can't help it. I just want someone with more of a backbone, someone who will fight with me, take charge, especially in the bedroom. Don't get me wrong, Gavin is great but just lacks...passion. That I need you right here right now passion. I know it won't last but I'll enjoy him before he realizes I'm no good for him.

I walk up to the reception area thirty minutes later. I feel bad I kept him waiting but if I'm in the zone, it's hard to stop. It's the reason I stay until midnight sometimes. I completely immerse myself in my work and I like it that way. The people I date, however, do not.

"Sorry it took longer than expected." I say as I walk over to Gavin, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"It's fine, I just got off the phone." I know he's lying, always too polite. It's sweet but also infuriating. "But I'm starved, shall we?"

We head to a little bistro around the corner. Since I took so long we have to have a relatively quick lunch. I'm fine with that, I can get back to work that much quicker.

"So how was your meeting?" Gavin asks as he thumbs the top of my hand. So attentive.

"Fine, but Anderson was a no show, so I'll most likely have to repeat everything I said today. I wanted to get ahead of this Landmarks Commission issue but I can't do that until I speak with him. I don't trust his lackies." The building they want to purchase will most likely be fought over with the Landmarks Preservation Commission. I have a close confidant there who gives me insight on which buildings they are trying to get as historical landmarks, which means they can't be touched for development or torn down. It doesn't happen too often for our firm, most of our clients want skyscrapers, but Anderson wants an old brick building that's been there since the 20's. I inquired about it with my informer and he thought there was a large possibility they would fight us on it. The current owner kept it as is for residence space but Anderson wants to develop it into commercial space, which doesn't usually go over well. It, as I've been told, "disturbs the nature of the building". What a bunch of bullshit.

"Really? That's surprising. Are you going to reach out to him personally?"

"I'm thinking about it. We don't have another meeting until next week but I would like to meet before then or at least a conference call. If he's still in the city maybe I can schedule something. I want to get this deal done so we can go to Tahoe." We had planned on taking a trip once the building is finalized, if possible. Just a quick weekend getaway but it would be the first vacation together. I know it would mean more to him so I've been debating it, not wanting to get his hopes up. I've never been on a trip with a man who I was dating so it would be a big step for me too, but not one I'm sure I want to take with Gavin.

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