Chapter 29

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I step back from Travis in horror while we both breathe heavy. "I can't believe I just did that. I cheated. I'm a cheater."

Travis is silent just staring at me with an apologetic look. I know he initiated it but I don't think he wanted me to feel this way about it.

"I have to go. I...well talk soon."

He just nods and opens the door for me. I walk by him and he grabs me wrist just before I walk through. "I'm sorry. But...I also don't regret it."

"I know." I say as he releases my hand. I continue walking down the hallway and suddenly feel very claustrophobic.

I open the door to the outside and welcome the cold air stinging my face. I need to talk to Jeffery now more than ever.

I take my phone out of my purse to see a missed call and texts from Johnathan.

Johnathan: How'd it go?

Ten minutes later.

Johnathan: Are you alright?

Fifteen minutes later

Johnathan: Becca, I'm worried can you just text me please.

Then one after his missed call.

Johnathan: Please call me ASAP or I'm coming there.

I decide to text him not being able to talk on the phone to him yet.

Me: I'm fine, it's fine. I'm going to go talk to Jeffery. I'll call you later.

I bring up Jeffery's contact and dial. He picks up on the second ring thank God.

"Code fucking Red. I need you right now." I say in a shaky voice.

"Oh hell. What happened? I'm at Sam's still come here now."

"I'll be there in ten."

I hang up the phone and hail a cab. Luckily Sam lives close. I don't even have to knock on her apartment door, having already buzzed me up, Jeffery stood waiting for me in the door with a look of panic on his face.

"Did you kill him? Do we have to bury a body because I'm too pretty for jail."

He tries to make a joke but I can't right now. My face must alert him to the seriousness of the situation. "Oh shit. Okay come in let's talk.

He follows me through the small hallway to Sam's bedroom slash living room slash kitchen. It's a small studio but she's never even here, traveling for work all the time.

I sit down as Sam comes out of the bathroom.

"Alright what happened? You sounded so upset on the phone. I thought everything was fine." She says sitting down next to me on the small couch with Jeffery sitting in the chair beside us.

"It was, it was. We talked he told me nothing happened with her and I believed him. Until..." I looked at Jeffery. "Travis told me that he saw him kissing her. He said you saw it too."

Sam looks at Jeffery and a knowing look passes between them.

"Jeffery. Did you? Did you see him kiss her?" I ask losing my patience with this game.

He looks down. "Yes." He glances back up at me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"What the fuck?" I look at Sam. "Did you know too?"

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