Chapter 12

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A/N Mature content in this chapter

I wake up in an empty bed. I was half expecting it since I knew Johnathan wanted to get an early start on the mold issue but I'm hoping it's not because he's still mad. I know I was wrong in implying he cheated, I know after what happened to him he would never but I was being selfish and also felt rejected which is an unfamiliar feeling to me. Anyone I've ever been with lives here and it's always for romantic evenings out and then sex after. I've never been with someone in the late hours of the night, going to bed, doing the normal couple thing. I should have just accepted that he was tired, knowing full well he was, but I took it personally and now I feel embarrassed.

I walk out to the living room thinking maybe he's still here but he's not, no sign of him. Shit. Seeing as he didn't say goodbye I would assume he's still mad. I walk into the kitchen ready to turn coffee pot on when I see there is already coffee and a note scribbled on the counter.

Left early, didn't want to wake you. Coffee was made at 5:45. I'll call you later. xJ

OK well at least he left a note and coffee. Maybe it's not as bad as I think.

I'm sipping my coffee scrolling through emails waiting for Sean to arrive when there's a knock at my door. It's only 7:30, who can that be? I walk over to the door and open it to find Thomas in workout clothes.

"Thomas? What's up? Where's Jess, is she OK?" I start to panic a little.

"Yea, yea she's fine, she's still sleeping. I just wanted to talk to you for a second. I know you're going to work but I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you alone." This peaks my interest.

"Here come in. I'm just waiting for my driver so I don't know how long I have." We walk down the hallway to the kitchen. "You want some coffee?"

"No thanks." I notice his hands are shaking. 

"Thomas are you OK? What's going on?"

"I...I know you just met me but I've known Jessica a few years now, she's my best friend. And I know we just started dating a few months ago, but I've known she's the one for a long time." Oh my God. "I...I want to ask your permission to marry her. I want to propose this weekend." And I'm crying. I walk around to him and immediately bring him into a hug.

"Thomas of course you have my blessing!" I release him and he's smiling wide. "I know how much you love each other, any idiot can see how great you two are together. We have plenty of time to get to know each other. If my sister picked you, I know you're right for her. She's always known exactly what she wants." I hug him again, surprising him. I can't help it, my little sister is going to get married and I couldn't have picked a better groom.

"Thank you, that means so much. I can't wait to marry her but...I kind of need your help on the proposal."

"Of course! Anything!" My phone buzzes and it's Sean. Crap. "My driver's here. Can you walk down with me?"


I grab my purse and brief case and we head towards the door.

"So what were you thinking?"

"Well, I was wondering if there's a special place, her favorite place here?"

I think for a minute and I figure out the perfect place. "The Whispering Bench in Central Park."

"The what?" He asks as we get to the elevator. We go in and I press the button for the Lobby.

"It's a bench in the Shakespeare garden. You can whisper into one end and the person on the other end can hear you. We thought it was the coolest thing when we were little. Our parents took us to Central Park a lot." I start to get a little choked up. "My mom would stand on one end and whisper "I Love You" to us on the other." He nods, knowing the implication of what I just said.

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