Chapter 44

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Our weekend together was too short. We got as much time in as we could, staying mostly naked the entire time, but it just wasn't enough. Saying goodbye to him this time felt worse. When I left New York I was sure this was just going to be temporary but the longer I was here, the more it felt like it wasn't. We didn't talk much about it after that day at the beach but I knew it was in the back of both of our minds.

There was an expiration date for our relationship. I just didn't know when but I felt it and I know he did too. I knew unless I stayed in New York, it wouldn't work out. Saying goodbye to him this time felt like more of a breakup, even though neither of said anything like that.

I had only a few more booked weeks here and then I would have to make a decision. Walter had asked me a few times already. Both him and James were urging me to take it, adding additional benefits each time, including free housing for the first two years. Two years of no rent or utilities, on top of equal partnership in the firm and company car and phone. They would also fly me to New York every month for a partner meeting so I'd be able to visit for free. Not to mention I could keep all of the miles I racked up.

I would honestly be an idiot not to take it. I knew if I weren't with Travis I would have already said yes. I never had to think about anyone but myself or Jess when making decisions before and Jess has been on her own for years. This was all foreign to me but I knew deep down what I was going to do.

I was finishing up some paperwork Wednesday morning when a knock on the door alerted me to a handsome visitor.

"Hey Bec. Sorry am I interrupting?" Johnathan asked holding the door handle.

"No, you're fine. Come in." I waved him in and shut my laptop screen.

He gently closed the door behind him and made his way into my office.

"Travis still here?"

I shook my head. "No he left Monday morning. He had a surgery."

He nodded and then let out a sigh. "I just wanted to apologize to you for the other night. I didn't mean to intrude. I was just worried. I didn't expect you to be...uh with someone."

"Yeah it was...unexpected. I need to ask though. How did you hear me scream? There's no way you heard me from your apartment."

He laughed nervously. "Uh yeah about that. I was in the apartment above you. That's how I heard."

I thought for a minute about who's apartment was above me and my heart immediately stopped. "But Jennifer is above me."

Please God don't let it be true.

"Yes she is. But it's not what you think."

I raised my eyebrow at him and laughed dryly. "Oh it's not? The apartments have the same layouts, do they not? Meaning her bedroom is right above mine, correct?"


"Jesus Christ Johnathan my assistant? The only other person I trust here." I stood up, fuming now. "Of all the people, you had to fuck her? Why? To get back at me? I can't believe you would.."

"Becca!" He raised his voice, cutting me off. "It wasn't Jennifer." I furrow my brow in confusion. "She rooms with Genevieve."

"The receptionist?"

He nods. "Yes. We chat a little bit every time I come here and I ran into her in the hallway that day. She mentioned something about her closet door not shutting right so I offered to take a look. Somehow we ended up making out and we were...about to...but then I heard you scream. I ran out and down the stairs as fast as I could."

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