Chapter 8

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I wake in the darkness, unsure of what time it is. That's the beauty of blackout shades. I look over to the night stand, the alarm clock displays 10:37. Jesus. I don't think I've slept in this late in a long time. I stretch, elongating my arms when I realize I'm alone in bed and remember I didn't sleep alone. I grab the remote and raise the shades, soft light starting to illuminate the room. I prepare myself for the blazing sun but it's raining out so my eyes only have to adjust slightly. I sit up and look to the bathroom. The door is open, so he's not in there. I listen but don't hear any noises from outside the bedroom. Did he really leave?

I stand up, leaning forward and touch my hands to the ground, stretching my back. I feel sore and tight all over from those damn shoes..and well two orgasms last night. I grab my robe from the chair and wrap it around myself, making my way to the door. I go to open it and realize I smell freshly brewed coffee. What?

I open the door and walk out, finding Johnathan sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Hey, you're awake. I made coffee." He says as if this is a normal occurrence. This is strange but also...quite wonderful. 

"Thank you. Have you been up long?" I say walking to the kitchen to pour myself a cup. I am in desperate need of some.

He sets the paper down, shifting his body so he's turned sideways and looking at me. "Just an hour or so. I can't believe how late we slept."

"I know, me too. I'm usually up and out the door by 8 on weekends." I say as I'm pouring milk in my coffee. I pick up the cup and walk towards him.

"Where do you go? Please don't say you work on the weekends too." I sit down on the other side of the couch facing him, pulling the throw blanket on myself. 

"Only a little bit but it's usually from home." I laugh. "I usually go spinning and have breakfast with Jeffery, do a little shopping and get my nails done before I go out for dinner or drinks. I usually go to the hospital and visit on Sunday's."

He smiles as he takes a sip of his coffee. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm just wondering if you've ever had a day where you do nothing."

"No not really. This really is a first for me." I chuckle. "It's actually making me antsy, like I should be doing something."

"Well you should really relax once in a while. I can help you with that."

"Oh no I am too sore today. I feel like I got hit by a bus."

He laughs. "Although I would love to, that's not what I meant." I raise my eyebrow at him. "I'm serious. It's raining out, we should just order in, watch movies and relax."

I shake my head. "No, I can't waste a day like that, I have a lot to do."

"Oh yea like what? You just held a very successful fundraiser last night, you deserve to have a day to relax."

"I...I don't know. I'm sure the fundraising committee needs help finalizing everything and I need to take my dress to the dry cleaners and I need an outfit for a benefit I have on Friday."

"Sounds like a lot of things that can be taken care of later." I roll my eyes. "OK fine, how about this?"


"How about we stop by my hotel so I can change and then we can take your dress to the dry cleaner. I can drop off my tux as well. We can get lunch and then go shopping for your outfit and then we come back here, order food and relax the rest of the night."

"What about the committee?"

"They can wait until Monday. I'm sure everyone else is enjoying their weekend and not thinking about work, unlike you."

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