Chapter 7

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A/N: Warning mature content in this chapter. 

It's almost 2 am when I finally walk into my apartment. I sigh as I kick off my shoes holding myself up on the wall. I am exhausted. Mentally I'm wide awake which is inconvenient because I can barely stand up anymore. I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water that I desperately need. Between the champagne, dancing and talking, so much talking, I am so thirsty. I'm going to need to drink a few bottles before I go to bed. 

I take my phone out of my clutch and walk over to the couch. I haven't looked at it in hours and can only imagine how many emails or texts I've received. I should really take my dress off first but I just need to sit down. I unlock it and see there are 24 texts messages and about a dozen emails. I open my email first looking over my inbox. A few client emails and other correspondence and then one from Larry to myself and several others. Holy shit. The initial numbers have us raising almost $9 million tonight, that's almost double from last year. Wow. Larry attributes a lot of it to my hard work and my speech tugging on people's heart strings. Not to mention a big chunk being from Johnathan. There's a few responses already, many agreeing with Larry and thanking me for my hard work. Johnathan was right. I decide to respond tomorrow and click open my text messages. Several say congratulations, knowing most are just well wishes about tonight. I open one from an unknown number.

Hey Rebecca, this is Travis. I know I'm texting you right away, hope you don't find it creepy. I just wanted to thank you for a great time tonight and say it was great meeting you.

Wow, that was quick. Normally I would find that pathetic but if he's anything like his dad, he's just really sweet.

Hey Travis, it was great meeting you too. Not creepy, it's really sweet. Glad you had a great time. Let me know about that house!

I look through the others and when I don't see anything from Johnathan I feel disappointed. I shouldn't though with the way I left things at the party. He left without saying goodbye again which I know he only did because of my embarrassing outburst. I was pretty tied up with people too. I shouldn't text him now but I can't seem to keep my fingers from responding. The fact I'm a little tipsy doesn't help either.

Hi Johnathan. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I can't thank you enough for what you did, with the floor, your donation...everything. We raised almost $9 million tonight, can you believe it? Anyway, just wanted to say thank you and I'll see you Tuesday.

My heart is racing as I hit send. I mean that's a good text I think. Fuck. I hate this feeling, I am never like this. No man has ever made me feel this way, unsure of myself and all...flustered. My phone buzzes right away. I expect it to be Travis, but it's Johnathan. He's still up. I take a deep breath in and out and open the text.

You can thank me in person. Open your door.

What the fuck? He can't possibly be here now. A soft knock at my door confirms that yes, he can. Holy shit. I practically run to the door and open it. I find Johnathan, his hair messy, bowtie hanging from one side. He looks at me and as if some animal instinct takes over, we crash together, his lips on mine, kissing me fiercely. I'm not thinking anymore, just letting my body take over. The door slams shut behind us as we move through the hallway, still kissing. He slams me against the wall and I let out a moan. This is fucking hot. This is what I want.

We stumble through the hallway into the living room, bumping into the back of the couch. My back is towards it, my ass resting on the top. He releases me and then turns me around wordlessly. He starts to unzip my dress. I feel the zipper move down and hear him suck in a breath. I don't know if it's because he's seeing my scars or the fact I'm bra-less and only wearing a lacy black thong. He turns me back towards him.

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