Chapter 41

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It was already Saturday and I was exhausted. The first three days of the new job had been grueling to say the least. Between the time zone change and the amount of work, I desperately needed a day to recharge my batteries.

Johnathan and I barely saw each other which was a good and bad thing. He hadn't reached out to me and I didn't reach out to him. We were both so busy that I only saw him for meetings. I figured it would be this way for a little bit and was probably best for my relationship but I also missed him. It was nice having a friend here to get dinner with or just hang out with. I wasn't really friends with any of the others and I wanted to keep it that way.

I didn't think it was appropriate to socialize outside of work with my employees. I was probably being paranoid but you never know nowadays. Say or do the wrong thing and you can get sued. No thanks.

I slept in until about nine, my body apparently taking the rest it needed. I made some coffee and texted Travis back. He texted me this morning saying how much he wanted an encore of my show tonight.

He had called me back Monday after Johnathan left and we had, well I don't know if there is a term for FaceTimed sexed but we did that. I showed him me using the vibrator on myself as he talked dirty and jerked off. It was the most erotic thing I've ever done. I would randomly think about it and get aroused. We would definitely be repeating it.

I decided to take my lazy ass for a long walk up and down the hills of San Fran this morning. Johnathan wasn't lying. I would be out of breath from just going to the coffee shop. The office was close enough to walk to but there was no way I could get there without sweating like a pig so I had been taking the cable cars which was way better than the New York subway, that's for sure. It was usually pretty empty since I went in so early.

I threw on Travis' sweatshirt, leggings and my sneakers before heading out the door. It was pretty chilly out but I figured I'd be sweating in no time.

I zoned out on my walk, blasting my music and focusing on nothing in particular. I just watched the people, looked at the buildings and took in my surroundings, taking note of certain places I wanted to check out later.

I passed a really cute boutique that peaked my interest. I would have to come back and take a look. A few cafes and restaurants looked promising also.

I stopped at the cafe near our apartment building to grab a coffee and a salad. After ordering I sat at a table by the window. The clouds had rolled in and looked like it might start raining. Sure enough a few moments later the water came from the sky. Guess I was eating here.

I grabbed my coffee and decided to review a document I was working on. I put on some classical music and put my headphones in to help me focus. I was so engrossed with my phone that I didn't even see him come in.

"Hey Bec." He said knocking his knuckle on my table.

I looked up to see a beautiful sight. Johnathan smiled at me, droplets of rain coating his hair. He was wearing a tan peacoat that made him look so dapper. He was such a good looking man.

I pulled my earbuds out. "Hey."

He jutted his chin towards my phone. "Work?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I just got done with a walk and stopped in here to grab lunch quick but then it started raining so figured I'd eat here. How about you?"

"Just stopped by the job site to check things out and grabbing coffee on my way home."

His eyes glanced at my sweatshirt and I could see the wheels turning. He just stared for a second before shaking his head slightly. "So anyway. Are we still on for dinner tonight? And helping me unpack?"

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