Chapter 15

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Over the past few weeks Johnathan and I have settled into a nice routine. Well as routine as our schedules allow. He's been back and forth between Chicago a lot, which has been taxing on him. My schedule has been just as hectic, but many of my deals are in the final stages or wrapping up nicely, so I should be able to breathe a little soon. 

When Johnathan is here though, we have been spending almost every minute we can together. We start our day off with an early morning workout, something I was against at first. I love my morning runs but Johnathan insisted I do one workout with him. If I didn't like it, he wouldn't bother me again. I should have known by his body that his workouts would be intense. He does intense interval training and after the first workout I was sweating profusely and almost dry heaving from exhaustion. I was already in good shape, but now, I have muscles I didn't even know existed. People at work have even noticed, Johnathan of course noticing the most, which has also increased our sex life. Not that we weren't already, but morning shower sex almost every day is another bonus to working out with him. My days have never started better.

We usually sleep at whoever's apartment got home first. We have an unspoken agreement that the first person to get home will make or get dinner for us. It's nice to be able to come home after working long hours to know I have food and a sexy man waiting for me. It will be even easier once we move into the house which we closed on last week. It was a quick sell, I handled all the legal work of course which made it that much easier and faster to close.

When I told my sister about it she freaked out, in a good way. I told her my concerns and fears, how it was too soon, how I have never lived with someone before, how if we broke up I would be homeless, but she put it all to rest by asking me one simple question. "Do you love him, Bec?"

"Of course."

"OK so then move in. Be happy. Figure out the rest as it comes, if it ever comes. I can see you and Johnathan going the distance so let yourself do that. Don't care about what anyone else thinks or how it looks to other people, who gives a shit. You know yourself and your relationship, so if you want to do it, then do it. I'm all about it. I think you guys are gonna get married. But not before me! I'll murder you."

And that was it. My baby sister completely erased any doubts or fears I had. When she got so grown up and wise, I will never know.

We weren't moving in for another week though. Johnathan had some renovations he wanted done. I had no idea what he could possibly want to do other than change some light fixtures and paint a few of the rooms, which was fun choosing together. It made me that more excited to move in with him. We had similar tastes and visions for the house. The other renovations were secret. He promised me I would love them, even getting my sister's opinion on things. I have absolutely no clue what he is doing but I trust him completely. He's the builder so whatever he thinks needs to be done, it must have to be.

It's Saturday and I'm waiting for Johnathan to wake up. He got in late last night, we still managed to have our fun, but he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I didn't have the heart to wake him. I figured it would be a nice time for me to catch up on my reading. It's colder now so cozying up in front of his fireplace with coffee and blanket reading is a perfect way to start the morning. I decided to take the day off, no work, no workout, just relax and spend some time with Johnathan. We had enough going on, we both needed a day to recharge.

I'm four chapters and two cups of coffee in when Johnathan wakes up, walking out into the living room in just boxers and his hair a mess. He looks sexy and adorable at the same time.

"Hey. How long have you been up?" He asks as he makes his way towards me.

"Not long, couple hours." I open the blanket inviting him to snuggle with me under it.

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