Chapter 34

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My phone buzzed with a text from Travis letting me know he was downstairs.

It was Thanksgiving eve and I was ready to spend some time with the Hansons. I knew it was going to be a great time and it would help be a distraction from my fight with Johnathan.

I had half expected him to apologize but I guess being a dick is who he is now. I heard nothing from him except an acceptance to a meeting invite next week. Great.

As I walked outside, I found Travis leaning against his car looking exhausted. It was just past eight at night but he had just come off an almost 23 hour shift.

"Hey." I said as I wheeled my luggage behind me towards the car.

"Hey." He eyed up my giant bag. "You know we are only going for couple days, not a couple weeks right?"

He took the handle and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. His lips were cold from waiting outside.

I shrug. "Yes but I didn't know what to bring. I gotta be prepared for anything."

He opened the backseat and shoves it inside. I could tell he from his struggle he was dead tired.

"Travis? Do you want me to drive? You seem exhausted."

He sighed. "I am. You wouldn't mind?"

I rubbed his arm. "Of course not. You trust me to drive it?"

"Yea. You're a good driver. Didn't scare me once when we went to Connecticut." I slap him playfully. "Ha. I'm serious though. I trust you completely. Would you be mad if I slept for a little bit?"

"Not at all. Just put the address in and I'll be fine."

"Thanks Bec." He leaned in and kissed me again. "I appreciate it."

He smiled and handed me the keys. He walked around to the passenger side as I climbed in the driver seat.

I adjusted the seat so it fit me correctly before buckling in. Travis put the address in the navigation system and then immediately reclined the seat to be more comfortable. It was  going to be just over two hours. The house was actually in Sag Harbor and seemed to be right on the bay.

I pulled out into traffic and started driving the suggested route. It didn't seem like traffic was too bad. A lot of people tend to leave the city for the holiday but that meant we would probably hit traffic on Long Island.

I saw Travis turn his torso towards me out of the corner of my eye. "Hey we haven't really had a chance to talk about San Fran. Tell me about it."

I turn my head towards him while keeping my hands on the wheel. "It's okay." I turn my head back towards the road. "You rest. We have all weekend to chat."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Yea. Just rest."

"Thanks Bec. Wake me when we get close?"

"Will do. Do you mind if I put on music?"

"Nope. Go for it. I have satellite radio."

I click the touch screen and find the satellite radio, turning it on. I change it to the hit list station, figuring its a good compromise.

I drive along, singing softly to myself. Humming mostly. Once we reach the 495, I turn on the cruise control and change the speaker settings to be mostly on my side.

I glance over at Travis and take in the sight of him. I didn't really notice before but he's wearing grey sweatpants and a white tee that clings to his broad chest and sculpted arms nicely. He has a five o'clock shadow on his typically clean shaven face. He looks so sexy right now.

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