Chapter 5

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Sean pulls up to the Plaza where Johnathan is staying. I offered to pick him up since his hotel is close to our office and the meeting is at the LPC's office all the way in Lower Manhattan. Sean goes to open the back door while I see Johnathan walking out in a crisp blue suit. He looks delectable. 

"Good morning sir, I'm Sean, Ms. Johnson's personal driver." Sean holds his hand out as Johnathan takes it.

"Good to meet you Sean. Thank you for picking me up."

"Anytime sir." Johnathan climbs in beside me moving unnecessarily close to me.

"Good morning Rebecca. You look wonderful as always." I look up from my phone and smile at him.

"Good morning Mr. Anderson." I see him him smirk beside me. He knows the game I'm playing. My only worry is that he can play it better...

"So, how was the rest of your night?" I look up and notice Sean's eyes looking at me in the review mirror. I roll them and chuckle.

"It was good. Much better than yours I presume." He laughs and leans in towards me.

"Wouldn't you love to know..." He leans out to look at my face but I am stone cold, looking at my emails. Not this time Anderson.

"Anyway, are you ready? Diana Hilman can be a little..."


"Yes...especially with men. From what I heard, after her nasty divorce, she isn't very friendly to the male species. Which is why I wasn't entirely sure you should join me today..."

"Don't worry about me. Most women find me devishly handsome and irresistably charming..."

"Most being the opportune word there." I can't help but laugh as he let's out a boisterous one, clearly enjoying this banter. "But seriously...she could either completely eliminate the problem or make it hell for us."

"I know. I've done my research on her, don't worry."



We pull up and I can't help but be in awe of the building. The LPC is located in the Manhattan Municipal Building, built in the early 1900's. The Roman style columns and high arc entry ways are beautiful and reminds me of old New York. I've had to come here a few times and I enjoy it every time. Hopefully this will be another one of those times.

"Wow." Johnathan says as he steps out. I slide to get out and instead of Sean's hand helping me out, it's Johnathan's strong one's instead. I stand up and smooth out my suit as Johnathan buttons his coat. 

"I know. I love this building, it's one of my favorites in the city." He's looking up and I turn to Sean. "I expect it to go about an hour or so. I'll text you when we are done."

"Of course. Good luck." He smiles and goes around to the driver side.

"Ready?" I look at Johnathan and he's still looking up. He looks at me and nods.


We are in the elevator riding in comfortable silence when he speaks.

"Sooo, Sean is a good looking man. Well built too." He is not about to do this right now.

"Yes he is. I'm sure his wife and two kids think so too."

"Sometimes that doesn't matter to a man."

"Well it matters to me and it's something I would never do. If you are done questioning my integrity, we are almost at the floor and have a very important meeting we should be discussing instead." I'm trying not to get pissed, but really?

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