Chapter 39

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I was jostled awake when the flight landed. The cabin was still dark, mostly everyone still sleeping or had just woken up. I glanced at Johnathan who was still sleeping.

We had talked for a couple hours. I had nursed one more whiskey while he had two. He was definitely passed out.

I leaned forward to shake his reclined leg. "Johnathan." Nothing. I shook a little harder. "Johnathan."

He woke up in a panic just as the lights in the cabin came on. Several people groaned.

"We landed."

He rubbed his eyes and face, looking exhausted. "What time is it?"

"About quarter to eleven." I say checking my phone. My messages start to pop up, one from Travis asking if I landed.

"Jesus which means it's what, almost three in the morning in New York?"

He yawns and then I catch it. We both smile, let out a huff of air and then laugh.

He pulls out his phone, furrows his brows and then starts to type. I can only imagine what it's about.

I open up my messages and text my sister, Travis, Sam and Jeffery that I made it here in one piece.

Both my sister and Jeffery ask how Johnathan is which I respond only with a middle finger emoji. Sam doesn't text back but I figure she's sleeping. Travis responds almost immediately with an I love you and goodnight.

I smile as I text back the same to him. I shut it off and set it back in my laptop bag. When I look up I find Johnathan eyeing me curiously.

He's about to say something when the plane comes to a stop. The captain announces we are free to get up and will deboard in a few minutes.

We both get up, stretching out our limbs.

"Good thing we have the next two days off."
Johnathan says picking up his bag. "We're going to need to get adjusted to the time change quick."

"Yea agreed. I'm going to set my alarm for six tomorrow and just force myself to get up." I pick up my laptop bag and go to reach for my carry on above but Johnathan is already in motion to get it.

"That's a smart plan." He grabs my bag but doesn't hand it to me. Instead he throws it over his shoulder. "What are your plans for tomorrow? Do you want to do a little sight seeing with me? Might be a while until you can."

He's looking at me and even though his face doesn't really show it, his eyes are pleading like he really wants me to say yes. But should I? That's the big question.

I should say yes but also invite Jennifer and some of the others to keep it as friendzone as possible. But...I also don't want that. Not only because it might be awkward since I'm the boss but I want to spend time with Johnathan just the two of us. Not in a romantic way but in a...I miss him and his company kind of way. I could never deny our connection and deep understanding of each other.

"Yea that sounds good. Can we do early though while I still have energy? I expect to be in deep sleep by nine pm."

He laughs. "Of course, me too. I'll come down to your apartment at eight?"

I raise my eyebrow. "Come down to my apartment?"

"Yea. Didn't you know? My team and I are in the same apartment building as you. My company bought it."

Well fan-fucking-tastic.

Waking up this morning was brutal. Even though we got in so late, my body was still on New York time, which meant I was up at 4:45 wide awake. I tired to go back to sleep but my body just wasn't having it.

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