Chapter 43

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A/N Sexy times ahead

Nothing seemed to be going right. Travis wasn't speaking to me. He avoided my several calls and simply text me with "I need space". Space? We were thousands of miles away from each other and he needed more? I didn't push it because, quite honestly, he was the least of my worries.

The building that Anderson Development was working on was a mess and the lawyer we had hired to work on it had reneged on his contract. Apparently his current firm was going to give him an absurd amount of money, more money than we were willing to offer. Which meant we had no lawyer on staff who was intimately familiar with California Law. Which also meant I had to step in. Not only was I now running the entire branch but I was now on the case full time. I was about to have a mental breakdown.

To top it off, my saving grace had been Johnathan. Travis was MIA and Johnathan was my knight in shining armor. Normally this would have been fantastic but right now it was just muddying the waters.

He was being overly patient with me about everything. The set back had pushed his renovations back a few weeks which cost him a lot of extra money. If it hadn't been me, he would have fired the law firm. As a smart business man, he should have but he wasn't going to do that to me or Walter. I'm not entirely sure of the details of the contract he signed with Walter so maybe he legally couldn't.

All I know is Johnathan has been bringing or cooking me all of my meals for the past two weeks and I couldn't be more grateful. He stays with me late at the office and walks me home when I'm done.

All of that was wonderful, that wasn't my problem at all. The problem was that as the days went on, I thought about Travis less and less. I had gone the past two days without thinking about him once and that scared me.

It was Saturday and I decided to the day off to recharge. I had been killing myself and I needed to take a break before I did damage. Johnathan had already texted me if I wanted to go get breakfast but I declined, wanting to catch up on my sleep instead. By the time I had finally gotten up and put myself together it was already noon. It was the laziest I had been since my surgery.

After making myself some coffee and breakfast, I sat down on the couch to watch all of my shows I had missed. I was very behind. I was about an hour and a half in when my phone rang with a FaceTime request from Travis.

I answered immediately. "Travis."

It took a second for his face to load. "Hey."

"Hi. What are you doing?"

He turned his body so the phone was facing a building. My building. "Waiting for you to come downstairs and let me up."

"What?! I'll be right down."

I jumped off the couch and ran to the door, slipping on my sneakers in record time. I grabbed my keys and checked myself in the mirror quickly before I bolted out the door. I ran down the two short flights of stairs into the lobby, where I could see him waiting outside. He was even more handsome than I remembered.

He turned and saw me and I ran towards him, pushing the door open violently.

"Becca." He stood with his arms at his side but I jumped onto him. He caught me in time and I wrapped my legs around his waist. In that moment I realized I had missed him so much. He hugged me tightly against him with one arm and cradled my head with his other hand.

"God I missed you. I'm so sorry for being an asshole."

I leaned back so I could kiss him hard on the mouth, my hands wrapping around his neck. He moved his hands to cup under my ass and hoisted me higher. We kissed for a few more seconds until he released me and I jumped down.

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