Chapter 9

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A/N: Warning mature content in this chapter

Were watching reruns of Law and Order after eating our salads, blissfully comfortable.  My head is resting on his lap as he rubs my back absentmindedly. I'm really enjoying being with him like this.



"Are there any tickets left for that benefit?"

I sit up and look at him. "I'm not sure, I think so? Why?"

"Well I was thinking I could be your date. We would have already told your partners about us, so I figured it would be OK." Oh. Of course, I'm an idiot.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think. Of course, I would love if you were my date. I'll call them Monday and ask. We might be at different tables though."

"I understand, it's short notice and would only be separated for dinner. I just want to come."

"OK." I'm about to lay back down on his lap when I think about the dress incident. "Johnathan. We never talked about what happened in the store."

"What about it?"

"I don't like people buying me things, especially something like clothes. Flowers or jewelry is fine but when it comes to things I would buy myself, I don't like it."


"I don't know. It makes me feel incapable I guess. I've worked really hard to get where I am so I can buy things I want to and if someone else does it for me.."

"It feels like your being belittled."


"Well I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, that was never my intention. I just haven't had someone to dote on in a long time. I'm also not good at spending my money and I like spending it on you." I blush. "Also if I get to enjoy what I buy you, all the better." He strokes my arm and I shiver in pleasure. "Like that dress for example. I'm going to enjoy taking it off of you."

He moves closer and pulls me into him, kissing me deeply. He caresses me all over, his hands wandering. He stops at the hem of my shirt and lifts it above my head, leaving me in my sports bra. He unzips the front and releases my breasts. He brings his head down to suck on my nipples as I place my hands in his hair. He comes back up to kiss my neck and I'm feverish now unable to control myself anymore. I lift his shirt over his head. I kiss his neck and run my hands over his toned stomach moving my hands to unbutton his pants when he stops me. 

"Not here. Let's go to the bedroom." 

"OK." We stand and he immediately lifts me onto him, my legs straddling his waist, his hands on my ass. "You know, I can walk."

"Yea but this is more fun." We make our way to the bedroom, leaving the light off. The rain is still falling, providing a serene soundscape. Johnathan lays me on the bed, stopping to look at me. He unbuttons his pants, removing his pants and boxers, never taking his eyes off me. He bends over, pulling my yoga pants down. I lift my hips so he can slide them the rest of the way off. I'm not wearing underwear and his eyes go wide. 

"What a pleasant surprise Ms. Johnson." He kneels down in front of me, spreading my legs, pulling me closer to the edge of the bed. He kisses the inside of my thigh before moving to my sex. He licks and sucks as my orgasm builds. It hasn't been long but I can feel myself getting close. My body starts to shake when I feel him remove his mouth. 

"No, no I was so close."

"I know." He smirks with a devil grin. He bends down to retrieve a condom from his pocket. He tears the package and rolls it on his large, fully hard dick, his eyes never leaving me. I'm still throbbing from my almost orgasm when he enters me in one swift thrust. I cry out in pleasure. Fuck he's big and feels so good.

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