Chapter 23

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The alarm blares next to me and I groggily roll over and shut it off. I am exhausted only falling asleep a couple hours ago. Nerves and adrenaline kept me awake all night. Today is my surgery. I am terrified. I didn't think I would be but I am. What's worse is I really wish it was Johnathan next to me and not Jeffery. I love him of course and he's helped me through worse times in my life that's for sure, but Johnathan calms me. He can hold me and reassure me the only way he knows how. I miss him tremendously in this moment but I push it aside. I need to get ready. I need to prepare myself.

I shower quickly, throwing on the clothes I laid out last night. I wanted to make sure I didn't have to think about anything.

I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything so no need to worry about breakfast. Jeffery made himself some coffee while I got ready and the aroma makes me sad. It also makes me want a cup badly.

"You ready?" He asks as I pull up a seat at the island.

"As ready as I can be I guess. I'm nervous as hell though." No need to lie to my best friend.

"I can only imagine but everything will be fine. Don't worry. I know easier said than done but you're good."

I nod. "Mmhmm."

"Alright I just need to get dressed and then we can head out. You packed?"

"Yep, already by the door. I'm all set."

We pull up to the entrance and Jeffrey drops me off. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I go to check in while he parks the car.

I walk up to the large desk. "Hi Rebecca Anderson, I'm here for surgery."

She types on the keyboard. "I'm sorry I don't see a Rebecca Anderson." Anderson? Jesus.

"I'm sorry Rebecca Johnson. I don't know why I said that."

She eyes me curiously. "Could I see ID please?"

Great she thinks I'm a nut job. Hell maybe I am. I pull my license out of my wallet and hand it to her. She looks it over and then types in the computer again. She scans my license in and a label starts to print. She places it on a plastic wrist band.

"OK go up the elevator to floor three. There will be another desk, check in there." She hands me the wrist band. "Put that on."

I take it and put it on. "Did someone drop you off?"

"Yes my friend Jeffrey."

"OK I will send him up. Good luck."

I nod. "Thank you."

After checking in upstairs, I'm led to what will be my room for the next couple days. Travis pulled some strings and got me a private room. I know I'm gonna pay a ton more but it's worth it to me. I changed into my cloth gown, got my IV hooked up and am now just waiting.

"Nice room Bec." Jeffrey says as he walks in with coffee cup in his hand.

"Yeah Travis hooked me up."

Jeffrey grabs the remote and turns the TV on, plopping down on the lounge chair next to my bed. We watch TV in silence for a little bit when Dr. Reed and Travis walk in. They are both in scrubs and Travis looks sexy as hell.

He smiles wide at me. I can't help but feel proud looking at him right now. And turned on.

Now is not the time.

"Good morning Rebecca. How are you doing today?" Dr. Reed asks as he extends his hand. I shake it.

"Good. Ready." I say smiling.

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