Chapter 1

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"Juliet wait!" Nadia screams from behind me

I laugh as run through the empty halls of our school.

"We're going to be late! Hurry up!" I yell back but slow down so she could catch up.

"It's your fault we're late" she complains "If you hadn't slept in then we would have been here hours ago"

I can't help but keep on smiling. Nadia as been my best friend since we were toddlers and as the future alpha of the Capulet Pack I could always count on her to cheer me up and make the world seem brighter than it really is.

"Come on." I say pulling her arm before before entering the classroom.

"Sorry we are late Professor Martin" I apologize in advance so we wouldn't get scolded.

"This is starting to became a habit Miss Capulet" he acknowledge us but he quickly told us to sit down with the information that he wanted to talk with me in the end of class.

We did just that, sitting next to other members of my pack that were grinning at me, everybody knew that I was a heavy sleeper and had trouble getting out of bed so early in the morning.

"So the princess finally decided to grace us with her presence" a annoying voice suddenly spoke "I knew I started to smelled a wet dog now I know whose it from"

The people around him laughed.

The members of my pack all roared at the insult to their Alpha.

"Julius why won't you be a good lap dog and go join your owner huh?" Casper, my soon to be beta who also happens to be my cousin, trows back.

Now it was their turn to roar at us.

"That's enough!" I command with the alpha authority in my voice "This is a human school any problems we might have against each other is to be dealt with outside the range of human eyes."

"You're not our alpha" Julius roared "Fucking Capulets, this is Montague's territory."

"I would be very careful with your next words Julius" I threatened, I could feel my eyes changing to my wolf's eyes.

"That is enough Julius" I hear someone I recognize all to well speak. Romeo Montague had just entered the room and was quick to access the situation.

"But..." he started to complain but was quickly interrupted

"This is a human school, and you are risking exposing us because of your bad temper. Not to mention you almost challenged the next to be alpha of the Capulet pack, which is a great offense and punishable by dead. If the King heard that the humans had found out about us then the Montague pack would be the one to blame since, as you said, the princess here warn you to calm down, so I repeat THAT IS ENOUGH." he ordered

Both packs calmed down but they were still wary of each other. This has been like this since I can remember, Montague's and Capulet's always bickering with each other, always ready for a fight. Personally I found it exhausting, aside my father greatest wishes I didn't want to rule over the entire land, I was content with our half, I didn't seek any more power than the one I already had, but unfortunately both packs couldn't coexist with one another, not as long as this  rivalry persists.

The class didn't take to long after that, and after a chat with the professor, where I had been sent to detention because of my usual tardiness, I went to join my pack members in the cafeteria.

They were seated at our usual table, after paying for my food I join them sitting down in the middle of Casper and Nadia.

"Did you get detention?" Nadia asks me with her mouth full

"Yes I did" I admit taking a bite of my sandwich " I still don't understand why he only gave me detention, you were late as well not to mention pretty boy over there" I said pointing at Romeo Montague who was sited with his crew on the other side of the cafeteria.

"Well it's common knowledge that you are always late for class so it's only natural they assume it's your fault I was late" she concludes "As for the pretty boy...well I'm pretty sure his daddy as something to do with that."

It was no secret that Thomas Montague was an influential man, he liked to bribe his way to success every change he got, which always infuriated my father Damian Capulet. Those two bickered like they were five years old, if one bought a boat, then the other one bought an even bigger boat, and it always like that with those two.

"So what is on our schedule for today?" I ask finishing my snack

The ladies around the table looked at me as if I was crazy.

"What?" I ask unsure "Do I have something on my face?"

"How could you forget!?" Rosemarie asks shocked

"Forget what?" I continue

"The masquerade!" she squeals "The ball your father arranged for your birthday!"

"Oh that..." I say unenthusiastic

"Why "oh that..."?, I though you would be more exited." Carly spoke  "You're turning eighteen! Your father will finally let you take the reins of the pack, isn't that what you wanted?"

"My father wants me to get married to a wolf of his choosing before he passes the reins to me" I confess. I haven't told this to anyone because I found it humiliating, even tough I know it was tradition since I wasn't a male. I was fully capable of running my own pack without having a man tell me what to do. "He is trowing the ball so that I can meet him without the Montague's interference"

"Oh honey I'm so sorry" Rosemarie spoke "But that is no excuse for not enjoying a good party and if we know your mother, then it will be a party no one will ever forget. So today we are going shopping."

I grunt in approval, banging my head on the table, not really wanting to go but having no other choice.

Rosemarie squeals along with Nadia "It's a date!"

May the Moon Goddess have mercy on me.


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