Chapter 34

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When I realize the true meaning behind Juliet's father's words it was already too late. I try to go to her but my father held me back in a strong grip.

"JULIET!" I call out to her as I see her go limp in her father's arms. I see him gently picking her up, she lays unmoving in his arms, so unlike her. "Let me go!" I yell at my father trying to break free. Even with Alpha blood in my genes, my father who has been an alpha for years has much more strength than me. But my father has never experience the sight of having his true mate getting taken right in front of him, that itself gave me more strength, than anything else. In a flash of strength I didn't know I possessed I hit his nose with the back of my head, making him grunt in pain and release the amount of pressure he had in his hold. I could feel my wolf wanting to take over and right now I couldn't think of a good reason not to let him out.

"LET HER GO!" I basically growl at Alpha Damian.

I push my father back and punch him hard in the face making him stumble to the ground surprised. I hear my mother gasp and call out my name but there was only one thing on my mind and that was getting Juliet back. And the only thing that was keeping me from her was standing right in front of me.

"Calm down boy." he says "You wouldn't want to hurt yourself" he teases acting as if he was superior than me.

"She's mine!" I yell, my wolf could be heard in my voice. I was very close to transforming, my wolf was on the edge.

"She's my daughter." he says "I decided who she ends up with and that is certainly not you."

I see red when he says that and I lunge at him, but before I can reach him, I am hit in the side by another body, one I recognize as being my father. In my rage I let my wolf came out to play and I transform, my father doesn't change, he just eyes me attentively.

"Calm down son" he commands in his alpha voice but his command didn't work on me. He wasn't letting me go to my mate. He was keeping my mate from me and I wasn't having any of that. I growl at him showing him I would not be subdue. He arches his eyebrow impressed at my resistance. "Grace stay back! He is not thinking straight!" He yells at my mother that I could now see had move closer to where I was standing. She stops moving. "She's gone son. There is nothing you can do now, so change back so we can talk like civilized people."

If I could laugh I would have, so now he wants to talk like civilized people? Sure didn't seem like it a few minutes ago.

"I said CHANGE BACK!" he orders almost growling at me, his wolf was present in his eyes. He was revolted that I wasn't complying with his command. I can feel the temptation of changing back, a part of me wants to do it very much but then I remember Juliet and that desire to change back into a human fades away. I stand up taller and growl angrily at my father.

I am an Alpha. How dare he command an Alpha!?

"How is he resisting your command?" my mother asks him "That shouldn't be possible"

" shouldn't" he says and then I lunge at him, but he was already expecting me. He evaded my attack and grabbed me from behind by the neck. And before I could shake him off I feel him injecting something into me, something that burned like hell. I whined in pain and I feel myself losing my strength and reluctantly changing back into a human. My limbs were heavy and my blood felt like it was boiling.

"Sorry son...but it was the only way" my father says next to me "You're too irrational right now, but we're going to free you from the bond, then you'll be better."

"Ju...Juliet..." I try to say. They couldn't free me from the bond. I had to get to her. I had to get to Juliet.

I zone out. The wolf bane father had injected into my blood stream hurt like a bitch and it made it hard to stay conscious. I couldn't stay conscious long enough to fight against the hands that grab me and moved me somewhere else. I couldn't call out for help, my voice refused to work, the only sound that came out of it was tiny growls. I felt myself get strapped to a what I assume was a bed and more wolf bane was injected into my body.

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