Chapter 24

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I spot her immediately.

She had a room of her own. I could see her through the window, her body, who always looks strong and impenetrable, now looks fragile. I enter her room silently, my eyes never left her frame as I pull the blinders down so no one can see us from outside.

Finally I make my way towards her. I take the time to properly examine her, she looks paler than usual, and her eyes had now a deep circles beneath them. She looked a mess yet she was still the most beautiful woman in my eyes.

"Hey there beautiful" I say talking hold of her hand. I sit next to her on the bed, admiring her as I speak "You gave us quite a scare today" I kiss her hand, the tingles from our bond comforting me in a way only she could do it.

"You can't do that. Ever again." I continue saying "When I felt you getting shot..." I look at her bandaged shoulder "...the knowledge that something had happened to you, that you had been hurt and I wasn't there with you, it scared me in a way I never felt in my entire life Juliet" I confess "You can't leave me Juliet, not now, not ever, because... because I think I'm falling for you." I finally admit out loud, but I immediately start shacking my head, I was wrong, what I felt for her went way beyond that. "No...scratch that, I've already fallen. I don't know when it was that I fell under your spell but I love you Juliet. I love you."

"Mmmm...I wanted to be the first to say it" I hear her say surprising me. She was suppose to be asleep. A look at her now and no one could miss the color in her cheeks and her eyes opening, observing everything around her.

"You're suppose to be asleep" I reprimand her, not even caring that she had heard my confession. I lean in to her and ran my hand through her hair in a soothing way. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore" she says chuckling softly "and thirsty"

I grab the glass of water next to her bed and help her drink some of it. She doesn't say anything else, she just lays there quietly looking at me, my hand still holding hers. I could tell she was fighting to stay awake, and I knew that her body was still healing itself.

"You look tired" I tell her softly "Sleep" I encouraged her

"Will you stay?" she asks sleepy

"Nothing could drag me away" I respond sincerely

"Good...." she says softly closing her eyes in exhaustion "Romeo?" she asks, her eyes still closed, her voice groggy from sleep.


"I love you too" she tells me and her breathing becomes deep and regular indicating that she had in fact fallen asleep. Groggy from sleep yes or not, I could still hear her perfectly and I couldn't help but to smile at her words. This wasn't by far how I had imagine us saying this three so significant words to each other but I wouldn't change this moment for anything. That's a lie, I would change it only if it meant that Juliet wouldn't be standing in a bed, recovering from a gun shot wound.

I hear a knock on the door distracting me momentarily. The door opens revealing Casper.

"How she's doing?" he asks approaching the bed

"Okay I guess, she woke up for a few minutes" I inform him

"Did she say anything?" he asks

"Not much" I don't develop further than that. The words spoken in here before where for my ears and Juliet's only. "I'll give you two some time alone" I tell him getting up from the bed but not before kissing Juliet forehead and whispering to her that I would be right back. "I'll be right outside"

It cost me to leave my mate's side, especially now that she is recovering from a gun shot, but I knew that she needed Casper as well as she needed me. I would never take that away from her, she was an Alpha just like me and I know that I will have to share her constantly, its just who she was, who we both were.

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