Chapter 37

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It all happen in a matter of seconds.

One second we were kissing and teasing each other, the next I was holding his limp body in my arms.

"Romeo!" I yell in shock, grabbing his body close to me. I see the hunter pointing the gun again  at us, pointing at me, but I found that I didn't care if he shot me or not. My mind was focused on Romeo, he who lay dying in my arms right now. But before the hunter could shoot a wolf jumps on top of him and rips him into shreds. I don't even notice his screams.

"Romeo! Romeo please stay with me!" I plead with him. My hands were covered in his blood. He was losing too much blood. I feel tears falling from my eyes. He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me with a look of adoration and my heart squeezes in pain as I feel our bond disappearing.

"Please...Please...Romeo..." I beg kissing him once again, wanting to pass my life force to him, anything so that he could live "Don't leave me."

"I love you" he says softly but then he starts coughing blood "Now..." he coughs again "...and forever" he says

I felt our bond break. And I let out the most agonizing scream. The wolves howl at the loss of their Alpha and others at the pain of my scream. The battle was over but I felt as if we had lost. I felt numb. The pain left me numb.

I see people approaching me but I don't listen to any of them, I don't pay them any attention. I can hear them trying to talk with me. Trying to take him from me but I wasn't letting them take him. I hold on to his body and eventually they give up. They move away, leaving us alone.

"Juliet I know you don't want to let him go." I hear Casper say "The Alphas will be here soon. I will take everyone outside to give you some privacy." he pauses waiting for a response of any kind. A sign that I was listening. "Juliet...I'm sorry...We'll be outside." I feel a soft touch of his lips on my forehead and then he is gone. Everybody is gone. I look at my love laying in my arms. I let myself imagine the life we would have had. The love we would have shared. And it had been all taken away from us, just like that. In a split second.

I clean the tears that kept following from my eyes having come up with a resolution.

"How dare you go without me?" I ask Romeo. His body unmoving almost as if he was sleeping. "How dare you making me live without you?"

I stay silent for a few seconds admiring every curve of his face. I kiss him again. His lips unmoving against my own. So unlike him. I hold his head between my hands as I kiss him, when I step away I join our foreheads.

"Not even death can keep us apart my love" I tell him "We are meant to be"

I remove the dagger that laid forgotten on my leg. The one that I had been stab with not that long ago. A pain I barely felt anymore.

"Our love is eternal" I say cradling him next to my body, holding him close. "And we shall live and die together." And with those last words I use the silver dagger in my hand and I stab myself in the heart.

The pain is refreshing. I smile as I feel death calling me. I stare at my life and I accept death with peace in my heart for now we would be together. The Goddess would see it so.


When the Alphas barged into the compound, they were shocked to at what they found. 

Both Alphas collapsed next to their children. They could now understand what they couldn't until now. Now they could see what their children try to tell them so many times. What had this war between them broth them if nothing but pain and misery? What did it all matter now that they didn't have an heir?

All who witness the scene had tears in their eyes. It was tragic, how a great tragedy had to happen for their eyes to finally be opened. For them to realize the dimension of their love, for there could be no Romeo without his Juliet, and vice versa.

Their bodies were moved. A great funeral would be held the next day. They would be buried as they wish to have lived, together.

The entire town mourned the loss of this two young lovers. Their story too short. Their lives taken too quickly. The mother's mourned their children. Their hearts heavy with sorrow and regret. They kept wondering what they could have done different. What they could have done to prevent this. What and if are two words as non threatening as words can be, but put them together side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.

The arrival of the Alpha King surprised everyone. He came with a small entourage when asked what had brought him here he surprised everyone with the news of Rome's letter. The news of his death and his love truly shocked him and he wished to be a part of the funeral.

All town dressed in black. Werewolves and humans alike. The town had been rid of all humans who worked or were somehow associated with the hunters, only those who were loyal to the werewolves remained.

The bodies were transported in a small procession to the town's church and laid together in the altar for all to see.

"After talking to everyone involved and listening to all the witness we now know how this sorrow came about." the Alpha King said loud and clear so everyone could hear. "All those who were guilty of this tragedy were pardoned, for they will have to live with this crime in their hearts until their dying day. But let there be a lesson from their deaths. Capulet. Montague. See what your own hate and pride brought upon yourselves, that even the Moon Goddess finds means to punish you with joy and love." he says speaking directly with them "Learn from your children and move past your ancient grudges. I myself don't know what it's like to have a love like Juliet and Romeo, a love to leave loved ones for; a love to cross oceans for. I like to believe that if I would ever find a love like that that I would seize it. Let that be a lesson to all who are here today. Let the story of this young couple inspire you in your actions. Do not let their sacrifice be in vain."

When he finishes his speech, Damian Capulet and Thomas Montague both get up and turn to each other. Both men were shadows of what they used to be. Their light had been taken from them.

"I am terribly sorry for your lost Capulet." Thomas Montague said "I can only hope that from now on we can live as our children wished us to live. In peace, and together."

Thomas Montague extends his hand for Damian Capulet to shake.

"We were both fools Thomas" he says "Our own hate blinded us from our greatest treasures" He takes his hand and shakes it "Let us live as they wished us to."

They hugged and pat each other on the back.

This was where the story should have ended. The young lovers were dead. Their packs were united. Love conquered Hate. But as the Goddess commanded that simply could not be it.

"Perhaps...this story can have a different ending." an elderly woman says as she climbs on the altar, her arm locked with another elderly man. A kind smile on both their faces. Most people in the crowd didn't recognize them, but the few elder that were still alive in the pack gasped at their appearance. For in front of them stood two ghost. Ones who have been forgotten long ago.

"The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.
And join with all in grieving from the dead.
For never was a story of more woe than this,
of Juliet and her Romeo"

William Shakespeare                                                      

Juliet is dead! Yes...that is right. I'm sorry for hurting you like this, but it was necessary.But don't worry! There are still a couple more twists up my sleeve!
Prepare yourselves for the last chapters. I think there will only be one more and then the Epilogue but we'll see.
You know what to do next! Vote and Comment and share your thoughts with me! Did I break your hearts?

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