Book 2: Star-Crossed Lovers

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Hi everyone!

Yes, you are reading correctly I wrote a another book called "Star-Crossed Lovers", it's a sequel to this book but it will be about other caracthers already presented in Star-Crossed Alphas.

I'm planning on writing more books in this universe, all books will have it's own main caracthers.

Word of warning I take a lot (and I really mean a lot)  of time to write a book (for example it took me 2 years to complete this one), because I only publish my books when they are finished.

All books in the Star-Crossed Series will have an order and you have to read then all in that order to understand them.

I hope you stick around to read them all.

Now to the main event of the hour... I present to you "Star-Crossed Lovers"! A complete story now available on my profile!

This book follow the story of Nadia Renald and Aidan Crawford.

Nadia Renald is a girl that keeps up a facade. She acts strong and cheery when in reality she is broken on the inside.
Aidan Crawford is the new substitute teacher. He has his life all planned out, and it all started with this new job.
But what happens when he starts to feel a very inappropriate attraction to one of his students, especially since he already has a girlfriend? And what about when she turns 18, and they find out they are mates? Will they be able to resist? Or will they finally succumb to the tension and become lovers?

I hope that you will like the book, and I can't wait to read everyone's opinion on it!


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