Chapter 18

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"I think she's into you" Julius says on the way home

"She's not" I denied

"Dude, did you see the way she jumped at you? That girl likes you for sure" he insisted

"She was just excited!" I tell him more rashly trying to get him to drop the subject "So was I! We all where. Did you not hear our speech? I mean..I don't think I've ever made a speech so...powerful before"

"It was a nice speech" he agrees "One for the ages my man" he jokes patting me on the shoulder

"But still...just saying...that Capulet girl...she's mighty fine, if you know what I mean" he says

Yes, she is, I think to myself, and she is all mine.

"I thought you hated everything that was Capulet. In fact I believe your exact words were "I rather fuck a cow than a Capulet girl"" I remind him

"Yeah well that was before." he explains "Your speech today got me thinking and I started to reset my priorities, and think, if the Capulet's girls start making themselves available for us, then there is plenty more fish in the sea to catch some tail" he said arching his eyebrows.

"You know some times you're a real pig" I tell him

"You wouldn't want me any other way" he joked

"And Juliet's not available" I remind him. Sure he might think that it's because of the fiance her father got for her, but she was mine. Just mine.

"Please...she will have trouble marrying that idiot if he's never around now won't she?" he insinuates "I mean, our allies made a really good job taking him out of here, they just need to keep causing trouble in his pack for the time being until we come up with a solution to get rid of him."

"Easier said than done" I comment "Her father has arranged for the marriage, he must have already sign a contract, to make sure there was no other way that this marriage can be prevented" Trust me, I have thought about it. Every single day I think of how I can make Juliet free from that marriage contract, and I even come to the conclusion that if it gets to that, after all of this is over, we'll run, just the two of us. Sure it would be a life spend on the run, but at least we would be together, with no limitations.

"Yeah...if he sign a contract by blood then we're screwed" Julius keeps talking "The only thing strong enough to annul a weeding contract drawn in blood is royal blood, and I don't think the Alpha King will rather care who Juliet marries."

The Alpha King has the power to annul the could I have not thought about it before? An idea formed in my head, if what I'm thinking works, then maybe...maybe not everything was lost.

"I just remember I have to do something" I told him catching him by surprise. I give a a paper that contain a list of names. "Do you mind checking with them to see if everything is ready for tomorrow?" I ask him

"Sure man" he says confused from my change of attitude. He grabs the paper and I turn my back on him, running the rest of the way home.

I arrive there fast and start going up the stairs two steps at the time.

"Slow down or you'll fall" my mother yells at me

"Yes mom!" I reply but don't slow down at all. I arrive at my room and I froze at the door when I see my father standing there looking out my window.

"Dad!?" I sy surprised and confused to see him there.

"Hello son" he says turning around to look at me.

"What? What are you doing here?" I ask giving a few steps inside the room

"I wanted to talk with you before I go" he says "I just saw you where with Julius, what where you doing that you where in such a hurry?" he asks

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