Chapter 28

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The rain was still pouring outside. Night was approaching and I knew that I would have to leave soon enough so my absence wouldn't be questioned. But at the moment I was finding it very hard to move.

I was laying on my side, facing Romeo. His position similar to mine. Our legs interlaced, and so were our hands. I moved my hand through his, playing with his fingers, not really thinking of my actions, just soaking in the moment.

"Today... earlier... I let my walls come down for you" I admit interrupting the peaceful silence

He raises his eyebrow and I immediately know what he is thinking about, and I am quick to correct him.

"Not the sex, although sure that too, but I meant before that, when I arrived." I specify "I don't really let myself cry in front of anybody."

"Maybe you should" he says quietly "It cannot be very healthy to keep it all inside you"

"It's not" I agree "But that's not what I meant"

"Then what do you mean?" he asks completely relaxed and at ease. It was nice to see him like this for a change.

"I let you inside my heart Romeo. You managed to break down every wall I spend years creating" I confess

"And that's not good?" he asks intrigued

"I'm scared" I raise my other hand and gently caress his cheek, leaving my hand there "Now that you have my heart, I'm afraid of what will happen when I loose you."

He raises his torso and slowly approaches me, I turn and lay with my back against the mattress. He looks down at me with a serious and determinate face.

"You will not loose me." he says "I won't let that happen"

I don't say anything. We both know that he can't guarantee that, but I don't say anything. There is no point in doing so. Not when it was already so present in our minds.

"I love you" I tell him instead

"I love you" he says back

We kissed once more, trying to delay our departure, but reality came soon crashing down on both of us, and we had to get up. We both took showers, my clothes were dry already from the heat coming from the fireplace. When I went to give Romeo his shirt back he simply replied "It's yours remember?". After one last kiss goodbye we both gather our clothes and transform into our wolves. One last lingering look was all that I allowed myself and my wolf to have, I took off without looking back, my resistance was not that good, specially now that we completed another part of our mating, the last remaining being the marking.

Maybe it had been a mistake to carry through with that part of the mating, now it would probably be even harder to resist the compulsion and the need to be by his side, but I don't regret it. This would probably be the farthest our relationship was going to get but at least I could take this memories with me. They were mine, they belong only to me. Nobody could take them from me, not my father, not Dax, not anyone.

I arrive quickly at the pack house, transforming in the woods next to the house and putting on my clothes before I sneak inside. Not really wanting to run into anybody, I do something I haven't done since junior high, I climb the tree that was located next to my bedroom window and sneak inside. I do so successfully, I already have enough practice climbing that tree to know where to be careful stepping in.

I hid Romeo's shirt in a secret compartment that I had found when I was twelve. No one else knew about it's existence. I kept very few things there, only the things that I treasure the most. I take off my clothes and change them to another pair, these were to wrinkled from the day's events.

There is a knock on my door.

Curious to see who had found out I was in my room, I open the door, and came face to face with my Beta, Casper. He takes a look at me as if accessing me and then he nods his head as if he was pleased with what he saw. "You're better now, good. He did good." he simply says

"Aren't you curious to know why I was like that?" I ask him

"It can wait. What matters is that you are yourself again" he says and just because he is the best friend I could have asked for I pull him in for a hug, a hug he replies gladly. "I love you Cas"

"Love you too Juliet" he says kissing the top of my head lovingly "Dinner is almost ready, and people have been wondering where you were all afternoon."

"What did you tell them?"

"That you were taking care of pack business" he responds

"I'll be down in 10" I inform him. He nods and starts walking away until I call him back "Did Dax cause any problems?"

"No. He spent his day inside the pack house, didn't cause any serious drama" he reports

I nod in acknowledgment and close the door behind me. I would deal with Dax another time, first I needed to know every card that I had on the table before I could even consider a move.

Two days later...

With Dax being in my pack and always by my side, I haven't been able to supervise the trainings. Time was running out, in just two days our parents would return home and we would have to put an end to the joined training, at least temporarily. The  competition was tomorrow and I wanted to be there. The last day of training. All of them have been very excited to see what we came up with and some of them, from both packs actually, have approached me at school to try and pry some information from me.

It was nice to see them talking to each other, both packs, finally overcoming their differences, their hate. It was beautiful, and it made me proud to be able to say that they were my pack, even the Montague's. They have became my pack since the day I told Romeo I accepted him as my mate. So I came up with a plan. All I had to do was keep Dax entertained during the competition so I could attend without worrying about him.

If there is one thing I have learn about Dax during all the time he has spend here, is that he loves himself more than anything in the world. He loves attention, and I was going to give him just that. I have a pack member who works at a beauty salon, she has a spa treatment that, coming from someone who has tried it, is heavenly. If I can somehow convince Dax to try that treatment, I know she can keep him detained there for an entire afternoon. But I can't be the one to suggest it, he could think that I was just trying to dispose of him, which I was, but there is no need for him to be suspicious of that. had to be someone else. Dax loved attention, maybe if Maia, the girl that works in the beauty salon suggested it to him, maybe flirt a little, make a little comment... yeah... that could work.

I immediately call her and tell her of my plan, she wasn't exactly crazy about it, but she understood why it was necessary. Obviously she made me give her permission to leave the pack for a weekend to go see her boyfriend in a neighbor pack, which I was happy to give. Not that I had any other choice. Now that that was taken cared off, all I had to do was wait and see if he took the bait.

As I waited I spend my time thinking about Romeo. I was right when I said that now that we had slept together, my wolf had became more agitated, constantly seeking his presence, something that I had denied us both for the last two days. If I felt this way now, where we only spent two days apart, imagined how it will be like if I do end it up marrying Dax. I don't think my wolf would be able to survive that, and I couldn't let him go either, it was too late now, I am extremely certain that my wolf and myself would not react well if we saw him with another woman, touching her as he touches me, kissing her the way he kisses me. I don't even know how he handles it when he sees Dax with me.

Something had to be done fast. I'm afraid that if the worst happens and I marry Dax, I would slowly fade away. I would be a shell of the person I used to be. And I would rather die as Juliet Capulet than live as a shadow.

And with that thought in mind, I make what is probably the most important decision of my life.

I'm going to tell my father.

And may the Goddess help us all.

*A little bit of a filler chapter but I promise it's going to start getting interesting from now on!


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