Chapter 10

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"Did you do what I ask you to?" I ask Casper the second I see him.

Yesterday I told him about what had happened with the Montague girl, even though he complained with me helping "the enemy" he understood why I did it, and he himself was worried that something might be going on that we don't know about.

"I went around the pack and talk to some people, from what I gathered there as been some talk among the juniors about telling some humans about us, mostly it's their boyfriends and girlfriends but some are even considering telling there friends, apparently they have been quite inquisitive about us for the last couple of months." he reported

"Has any of them told someone without the Alpha's approval?" I really hoped they didn't.

"So far they have been too scared of the consequences but from what you told me yesterday with the Montague kid, that could easily happen with one of our one." he advised

"Why now?" I ask him as we get in the car. Today he would be taking us both to school, so we could discuss this privately on the way "All this years the humans have kept to their space never mingling with ours, and suddenly they started asking all this questions...what cause this sudden interest?"

"I don't know, but I'll keep poking around trying to see if I discover anything else" he volunteered

"Be discreet about it. We don't want them to find out we are onto this sudden interest of them" I commanded

"Do you think we could be facing a conspiracy?"

"I don't know what to think. I need to gather all the information possible before going to my father, if it's just curiosity from their part than that can be dealt with but if it's something more..."

"Be discreet. I got it." he said not needing me to finish the sentence to understand the danger the pack might be in.

"I'm going to talk to Romeo Montague later today" I told him

"Why!? We don't need help from the fucking Montague's!" he said outraged

"Stop thinking with your ego and think with your head instead Casper. If this is something that is targeting both packs we need to be aware, because if one pack falls the other will fall soon after, remember that." I reprimanded him

"Yes Alpha" he said grumpy "But I am going with you"

"No" I cut him off immediately "This is something very few people need to know about and me and alpha Romeo are perfectly capable of meeting with one another without anybody else present. This is of the concern of both packs and if you or his beta were to go with us, you would only end up arguing and then nothing would be accomplished."

"Is that how low you think of me? I can separate my feelings for the Montague for the sake of the pack!"

"I know you can, but you wouldn't be able to help yourself, you and Julius would end it up clashing with one another, and I can't deal with that today." I stated

We said nothing the rest of the way, and when we finally parked in the school's parking lot I held his hand when he would have otherwise bounced off and never look back.

"Don't be angry Cas" I said softly "I trust you with my life, just because I don't want you to go with me to this meeting doesn't mean I don't trust you to make good decisions for the pack. I chose you to be my Beta for a reason."

He nods but I can tell he is less tense than before.

"Love you Cas" I said as I got out of the car

"Love you too" he replied with a small smile on his face. But I knew we were cool now especially when he put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. Normally I wouldn't let people show that much "possession" over me, but he was my bestie, only he and Nadia had the permission to do that and who knows? Maybe a certain tall, dark and dangerous would be able to that in the future as well.

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