Chapter 19

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"Alright everybody gather around" I call out

Training day has finally arrived and with what happened yesterday a lot of them where either thirsty for revenge or scared to walk home alone.

"I know that a lot of you where friends with Sonia, and what happened yesterday is still very fresh and some of you don't understand why we're here today when we could be mourning her. But it is exactly because of what happened that we are here. Yesterday when Sonia was arriving home and a group of people tried to take her she fought, she fought so hard she prevented the hunters from getting what they wanted." I said

"Didn't do her any good in the end" a guy spoke

"Yes, it's true, she died in the end so what was the point?" I agreed "She could have easily surrendered, but she knew that the second she got in the vain, she wouldn't be coming out of it alive. So she said, no, that's not how you're going to take me. She stood up to them and fought for her life and that is all we can ever ask of you. We're not asking you to die, although that is to be avoided "I add causing a few chuckles from the kids "We are asking you to fight. Fight for your lives. Fight for the life of those around you. Don't let fear prevent you from surviving, and if you're going to die then at least try and bring as many of them with you as you can"

"Yes mam!" Someone yelled

"Don't call me mam, I am not a middle age woman" I trow back and thankfully I managed to crack some smiles.

"So...are we ready?" I ask to them

"Yes!" they yelled

"I didn't hear you!" I yell louder "ARE. YOU. READY?"

"YES ALPHA!" All of them responded

"Then let's get this show on the road!" I said "Twenty laps around the field now!"


Off they went one behind the other, chatting with excitement as they ran.

"ENOUGH CHIT CHAT LADIES THIS IS NOT A CAFÉ!" I yelled to them. They did as I commanded and stopped talking, concentrating only on their breathing and steps.

"Goddess you're sexy when you give commands" I hear Romeo say as he approaches me

"Took you long enough" I say not taking my eyes of the kids "What took you so long?"

"Had to drop a letter at the mail" he simply says

"They are warming up" I tell him "Are your instructors ready?"

"As ready as they can be. I was actually surprised so many of them agreed to do this" he admits

"Yes, I know. With me was the same. Specially after yesterday, I think they realized how dangerous the situation is." I said

"I talk to some of them and we agreed on separate them into four groups, each group will train in speed, agility, strenght and hand to hand combat." I share with him since he missed the initial briefing with them "Each group will have two instructors, one from my pack and the other one from yours, so not to have any problems."

"Yes, that is probably for the best" he agrees "FASTER!" He yells and the kids quicken their pace

"I was thinking...we could turn this into a competition" I suggested

"A competition? Wouldn't that ruin the all union thing we are reaching for?" he asks

"Not necessary. In fact that might be just what they need to work harder, besides a little competition never hurt anybody." I knowledge

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