Chapter 9

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I watch her get up and go to what I assume is the kitchen. I couldn't keep my gaze away from her even if I wanted to, it's like there is some kind of magnet pulling me to her.

I watch her go and my gaze traveled trough her body noticing the way she moved, how she swayed her hips teasingly even if unconsciously. She was wearing workout clothes and her skin was shinning with sweat, yet she never looked sexier and it brought a man some nasty thoughts that shouldn't even be in his head to begin with.

Elaine is still clutching tight to me and I know that it wasn't just because she wanted comfort, she was afraid of the repercussions of her actions today, and with reason, if my father heard of this he could go to extreme lengths and trow her out of the pack just to make an example out of her, but in my opinion that would have been a harsh treatment. She was still young and she was in love, her emotions clouded her judgement I just wish she would have told me she was considering telling him before she done it. I always like to think my pack can count on me, that they will call me if they have any problem or just simply need to talk. I always told them that but apparently they didn't take my offer seriously.

"Elaine" I call her

Slowly she looks up but never looks straight into my eyes, my wolf could assume it was a sign of challenge if a pack mate stares at me too long in the eyes, so everyone knew they had to be submissive to their alpha.

"What you did today was very bad. Why didn't you tell me you were considering telling him?" I ask her

"I thought....I thought he would understand. He said he loved me, that...that he wanted to
spend his life with me." she says in hiccups "And then..then he started to ask questions about why there were two groups at school and he..he knew there was a secret..."

"Still why didn't you petition t the alpha to reveal the truth to him?" I ask

"The alpha wouldn't allow it, he would only say I was young and didn't know the first thing about love." she answered "My friend Julie petition for it, two months ago and that's what he told her."

"Julie? As in Julie Crane?" I ask. I didn't know she had petition for my father to have a human revealed the truth.

"Yes. She and her boyfriend aren't together now, he broke up with her when she didn't answer the questions he wanted to know about the two groups at school." she informed me "And I didn't wanted that to happen to me I told him" she said letting a few tears fall down.

I consider every information that Elaine just told me. In a short period of time, two humans have asked to be told the truth about the feud between both packs, it could be just a coincidence but I will still need to look into it. I never was one to believe in such things as coincidence. I led Elaine to the couch and had her sit down.

"Stay here, I'm going to see what is taking Juliet so long" I tell her. I start making my way to the kitchen when she stops me with a question.

"What will happen to me now?"

I turn to look at her and I tell her the truth.

"You will be punish for your actions today, but you won't be kick out of the pack." I watch her release a breath at my words "I will be the one to deliver your punishment, there is no need to get my father involve in this."

"Thank you Alpha Romeo" she said submitting

"Rest now, I will tell you what your punishment will be soon." And with those last words I made my way where my wolf was urging me to go since she left my sight. The kitchen.

I walk inside and my eyes immediately find her. She had a first aid kit open on the counter top and she was treating the cut that human had made her, the sight of her hurt made me clinch my hands into fists, but my thoughts were immediately diverted when I noticed her back, more specifically her left shoulder blade. There it was. The tattoo I had seen on the back of my mystery woman, the wolf paw.

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