Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Gabrielle’s POV

Four days.

It’s been four days since the month of renovation started, that’s almost a week, and all I’ve done is basically what I’m doing right now.

Sitting on my couch, eating fruit, and watching re runs of Seinfeld since Harry has gotten me hooked on the show and doesn’t even know it. Harry and I have discussed our plans, and he wanted to hang out somewhere this week, but he has ended up being busy helping his aunt out. I haven’t gotten to see Harry as much as I’ve wanted to because of our schedules, but now that I know I’ll have more time to spend with him I can’t help but feel all happy inside.

Every time I get to see him or talk to him I always learn something new about him, and it’s always fun when you’re first getting to know someone a lot better and you can feel yourself getting closer to them and feeling a part of their life.

Since Harry had been busy I was hoping maybe to take Bella up on the roller skating offer, but unfortunately she’s had to help her mom out with some things. These are the times where I wish that I had more friends or at least a parent to hang out with.

The two people that I know were both helping out a parent or relative and I was by myself while my dad was at work. When my dad was actually home though all he was really in the mood to do now was watch TV, eat his dinner, and check my homework. I’ve gotten to where I just hold out and wait until my dad get’s home until I eat my dinner so I’ll have an excuse to sit in the kitchen and talk with him since now I have a bunch of time to get my homework done before he gets home.

I’ve mentioned to him possibly buying me a car so I could go somewhere instead of staying at home while he his gone. All he told me though was that he’d consider it, which is basically what he’s been telling me since I got a driver’s license.

I don’t want to complain, but most kids once they get their driver’s license, they usually get a car. I’ve even offered to help my dad pay for the car with some of the money I had saved up, but he still responds with the same answer that he’ll consider it. It’s only a matter of time before I start printing out reviews on cars and leaving them at the kitchen counter next to the coffee maker every morning.

I’m brought out of my complaining thoughts when I hear my phone start to go off. I reach my arm out form where I was lying on the couch and grabbed my phone off the coffee table. I read the name and saw it was a text from Harry, but before I could even read it, my screen was taken over by Bella’s name showing that she was trying to call me. I went ahead and answered Bella’s call, and muted the TV as I brought the phone up to my ear.

“Hey,” I said to her.

“Hey,” she said back, “What’s up,”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing,” I answered and she laughed.

“Good, I was just calling to see if you wanted to go to the diner downtown or something?” she asked, and I had to stop myself from bursting out into thank you’s to her for giving me something to do for most of the day.

“Yeah okay, just let me get ready and you can go ahead and drive over,” I told her.

“Okay,” she said, and we both said bye to each other before hanging up.

After I hung up, I remembered that I had gotten a text from Harry only seconds before Bella called. I opened the text, and saw that it was Harry asking if I wanted to hang out today. Now I felt kind of bad because he did ask me first but I had just agreed to hang out with Bella. If only he would’ve called me instead of texted.

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